Amy-Lynn Albertson: Fall is for planting

Published 12:00 am Saturday, October 12, 2024

By Amy-Lynn Albertson
N.C. Cooperative Extension

Fall is one of the great highlights of the gardening year. For many gardeners, fall is the best time of the year. The temperatures are much more suitable for outdoor activity compared to the heat and humidity of the summer. If you feel your garden is getting overgrown, now is the time to divide your spring and summer flowering perennials. Some signs to tell you that a plant needs dividing are flowers that are smaller than usual, centers of the clumps that are hollow and dead, or when the bottom foliage is sparse and poor. Plants grow and bloom well unless more plants are wanted. Plants with vigorous spreading root systems, such as asters, bee balm, lamb’s ear and purple coneflower, can crowd out their centers. These plants can be pulled apart or cut apart with shears or knives. Divide plants into clumps of three to five vigorous shoots each. Plants with clumping root systems have roots that originate from a central clump with multiple growing points. This group includes astilbe, hostas, daylilies and many ornamental grasses.

You must cut through the crown with a heavy, sharp knife. Keep at least one developing eye or bud with each division. Bearded irises are plants that have rhizomes. Iris divisions should keep a few inches of rhizome and one fan of leaves trimmed back halfway. Replant the iris with the top of the rhizome just above the soil line. Never allow your divisions to dry out. Keep a bucket of water nearby to moisten divisions until they are plants. Trim all broken roots with a sharp knife or pruners before replanting. Plant the divided sections immediately in the garden or containers. Replant divisions at the same depth they were initially.

Mulch the area with pine straw for winter protection. Plant pansies and mums in the fall. October is the best time to plant these fall beauties as the weather gets cooler. Some other flowers that will add interest to your garden are dianthus, asters, ice plants, sedum “Autumn Joy,” African daisies and snapdragons. Try the ornamental kales and cabbages for foliage, texture and color. Some ornamental kale can get as large as 3 feet by 2 feet, so think big when placing these plants in the garden. Other greens like mustard, tatsoi and arugula make excellent foliage additions to your fall garden and salad.

Spring flowering bulbs are on sale now in the garden centers, but it is a little early to plant here in Piedmont. Go ahead and shop now to get the best selection, but keep those bulbs in the refrigerator away from ripening fruit until the soil cools down. The end of October and early November are better times to plant spring-flowering bulbs.

Fall is an excellent time of year to add new trees and shrubs to your landscape. The Rowan County Extension Master Gardener Volunteers will hold a fall plant sale on Oct. 29 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Agriculture Center. They have lots of shrubs, deciduous azaleas and native ferns.  They have viburnums and abelias along with a variety of native plants to attract pollinators. Look for the Master Gardeners at the Salisbury Farmers Market next weekend and learn more about what they will have at their plant sale. Contact the Rowan County Extension Office for more information at 704-216-8970.

Amy-Lynn Albertson is director of the Rowan County Extension.

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