Ann Farabee: Hallowed be thy name

Published 12:00 am Saturday, October 12, 2024

By Ann Farabee

The first graders shut their eyes, folded their hands prayerfully, and began to pray, “Our Father, Which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name…”

This was easily recognizable as a prayer and a spiritual moment, until one student could not contain her laughter. Everyone stopped and looked as she exclaimed, “God’s name is not Halloween!”

Oh, she may have heard — and repeated — the prayer before, but this time the word “hallowed” had obviously impacted her. Sometimes, spoken words can become repetitious and the meaning may become lost — or as in this case — the meaning was unknown.

The Lord’s Prayer is a prayer Jesus taught his disciples and one we can use as a pattern for our prayers. The words prayed are words of praise for God, of prayer for God’s work in the world, and are requests for our needs and for help with our struggles.

Our Father:

Not just my Father, but our Father. He is ruler and He is majestic. Our Creator. He loves us with a personal love — the love of a father and of a Savior.

Which art:

Not just was, not just is or not just will be. He is all three.

In heaven:

He is in heaven — but hears us on earth.

Hallowed by thy name:

His name is Holy. Recognize His holiness. Praise Him and be aware of His Presence.

Thy Kingdom come:

God has set eternity in our hearts. There is a longing in our heart to be with our Father.

Thy will be done in Earth:

God’s reign in Earth is in the believer’s heart. His will in us. God’s perfect purpose.

As it is in heaven:

God’s spiritual reign when evil is destroyed and a new heaven and earth is here.

Give us this day our daily bread:

God sustains and provides.

And forgive us our trespasses:

God forgives.

As we forgive those who trespass against us:

We are to forgive.

And lead us not into temptation:

He will protect us. He will strengthen us.

But deliver us from evil:

He will deliver us.

For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever:

He is sovereign. He is all powerful.  He deserves the glory — forever.


Say it, pray it, live it and love it.

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