Doug Creamer: A funeral and a wedding

Published 12:00 am Saturday, October 19, 2024

By Doug Creamer

Have you ever wanted to be in two places at one time? That was my situation last weekend. My brother’s father-in-law passed away, and naturally, I wanted to be with him and his family as they dealt with the loss of their family patriarch. On the other hand, my pastor’s daughter was getting married at the same time. I am very close with the pastor and his family and I am also close with the groom and his family. I wanted to be with their families as they celebrated the union of these beautiful souls.

I chose to be with my brother and his family. I wanted to be with them as a source of encouragement and love in their moment of grief. I know my sister-in-law’s family as we have spent many family gatherings together. My brother and his wife host many family gatherings at their home, including Easter, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Those gatherings will include members of our family as well as my sister-in-law’s family. Those gatherings always included her parents.

I always enjoyed the opportunity to see her parents. They are both loving, kind and welcoming. Mr. Sherrick always had a great story of some adventure to share. He and his wife were world travelers. You can hardly name a part of the world they haven’t been to in their travels. He could tell you about the places and the people. He was also a good listener as I shared my own stories with him.

Mr. Sherrick and I had one big thing in common. We were both Boy Scouts. We shared a love for hiking, backpacking and camping. I was a little jealous of Mr. Sherrick as he had been to Philmont Boy Scout Ranch four times. I always dreamed of going out there for a great adventure. He had some wonderful stories of the boys he led on his trips. Mr. Sherrick served the Boy Scouts in various positions for more than 40 years.

I drove home from the funeral reflecting on my day with our combined families. I wasn’t far from home when my thoughts turned to the wedding I had missed. I was thinking about their special day. I looked at the clock and figured everyone would have departed. This little voice encouraged me to drop by the church. I decided to listen and could hardly believe my eyes when I pulled up to a packed parking lot.

I slipped into the room just in time to witness the first dance of the bride and groom. This was followed by the cutting of the cake and the toasts offered for the bride and groom. The toasts were heart-felt and warmly received. The reception room was fairytale in its beauty. The bride was both stunning and glowing. I was over-the-moon excited to see and congratulate the bride and groom on their special day.

I left thanking the Lord that He had allowed me to be in two places at once. I got to be with both families. I was able to celebrate the life and the departure of a family patriarch to his heavenly home and the joy of two hearts joining as one as they begin a new adventure together. It was a day filled with diverse emotions, family gatherings and the love that binds us all together. The day included reflections on a 70-year marriage and the first day of a new one.

To say that my heart was full is an understatement. The day reminded me that the marriage supper of Jesus and us, the bride, will be happening very soon. We have all been invited to attend, but sadly, so many have not sent in their RSVP. Our admission is simply accepting Jesus as our savior. That makes us the bride of Christ. We will be a part of that great celebration, which is going to be a seven-year feast.

I want to encourage you to make the decision to accept Jesus as your savior so you can attend this great wedding banquet. Some may travel early as Mr. Sherrick did, while others will arrive at the final trumpet call. Either way, I hope you will be there for the most fantastic wedding in all of history. The joy on that day will be like that of my pastor’s daughter as she begins the magical journey of being a new wife. Oh, what a happy day that will be, please send in your RSVP.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041 or

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