Doug Creamer: Slow down

Published 12:00 am Saturday, October 26, 2024

By Doug Creamer

I ate lunch on my front porch today. It was a comfortably warm afternoon after a cool start to the day. I enjoyed reading a good book by one of my favorite authors. The story was moving at a nice, leisurely pace. My lunch was over but I didn’t want to stop reading so I continued on for a little while longer.

I started to get up and head in the house when I stopped myself. I had things to do. Instead, I settled into my chair. I took a deep breath. What a perfect day. The leaves rustled when a slight breeze blew. The sun’s golden rays reflected off the changing leaves. It was peaceful and quiet; I heard some birds singing and crickets calling through the quiet afternoon air. The breeze stirred and brought some leaves tumbling onto the grass.

I breathed in the peacefulness and breathed out the worries and expectations of an afternoon filled with things to do. A cardinal flew over, giving a chirp. I admired my neighbor’s fall decorations. I resisted the tug to get up and go. I took another quiet breath. I sipped my tea and allowed my eyes and thoughts to wonder. The fall sun hangs lower in the sky, thus allowing longer shadows to dance across the lawn. The cloudless Carolina blue sky radiated beauty. How do we miss such wonders as we meander through our day?

Eventually my body left the front porch but my mind continued to linger. My thoughts remained peaceful. I pondered the experience as I sat down to begin my column. My prayer for His guidance was birthed not in a panic for lack of an idea but rather in the comfort of His peaceful presence.

Slow down… Breathe… Turn off the noise of this world… He is waiting and wanting to be discovered. God wants us to find Him… God wants us to connect with Him… The problem is not on His side, but rather ours. He waits for us to enter His presence. He desires for us to draw close. He longs for us to turn our eyes toward heaven. He wants to refresh us in His presence.

Can you feel the Spirit drawing you? He isn’t asking for your time. He is asking for you! God wants to draw close to you! He is not too busy, you are. He is not distant, you are. His presence is not chaotic, yours is. His presence is filled with love, joy, peace and hope. He longs to share the peace that your soul deeply desires. His peace is available for you if you will only slow down. Breathe. He is with you!

We can find all we need to live in His presence. In His presence is fullness of joy. In His presence is wisdom for every situation. In His presence is provision. In His presence is healing and restoration. In His presence is love and acceptance. In His presence is protection because He will fight for us. In His presence is peace that will quiet worry and anxiety. In His presence we can slow down. In His presence we can breathe.

The world around us will continue to grow more and more chaotic as we draw closer to His return. The Bible makes it clear that it will be incredibly stressful in the end. We have a choice, we can allow the craziness of life to press in and push us out of His presence or we can let His presence push out the craziness of the world. His presence is with us right now. He wants to lift the burdens of this life off our shoulders. He wants to calm our nerves. We have to open the door and let Him in. We have to choose to slow down…to breathe.

I want to encourage you to find a quiet place and invite Him in. All my life I have referred to the time that I spend with Him as my “quiet time.” I have learned that He will visit me during quiet time and while I am sitting on the porch, walking, resting, working, or driving my car. I have to invite Him in. I have to open the door. He wants to connect with you. He wants to lift your burdens and give you His perfect peace. He wants to provide for all your needs as your Heavenly Father. It’s up to you! You have to slow down and open the door for Him. I encourage you to slow down, breathe, and open the door of your heart to Him.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041 or

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