Letters to the editor — Oct. 27

Published 12:00 am Sunday, October 27, 2024

Democracy must prevail

On Jan. 6, 2021, we all witnessed one of the greatest threats to our democracy in modern times. It was not made by an outsider as one could have easily expected but rather by an angry insider, Donald Trump, who refused to admit that he had lost an indisputable and undeniable election to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Therefore, he, like a venomous viper, incited many of his blind-sighted followers to invade the Capitol building (the cradle of our democracy) in an attempt to prevent V.P. Mike Pence from certifying the election. In the wake of his violent insurrection, government officials had to rush for cover while two guards and several among the insurrectionists lost their lives. Thankfully, however, after peace was restored to this chaotic situation, Pence did certify the election and was unmoved by the mob’s earlier threats against his life.

It appears evident that a Trump viper-like venom has somehow spread throughout the halls of congress and poisoned the hearts and minds of many of his followers to the point that they do not even have the soundness of mind to agree to vote for the passage of much-needed legislation for the benefit of all Americans unless it meets with the approval of heir mentor (Trump) or is advantageous in furthering his selfish motives. Striking examples immediately come to mind: 1. When the Biden-Harris administration came up with a good bill to secure the southern border about a year or more ago, Trump kicked against it because he wanted to use immigration at the border as an issue to promote his upcoming campaign. 2. When Ukraine applied for more needed military supplies in October 2023, Trump advised his loyal friend Speaker Mike Johnson not to call for a vote then but he waited until several months later. Had the speaker listened to the dictates of his own heart and mind instead of listening to Trump and called for a vote which was positive, perhaps this long war between Russia and Ukraine could have ended by now.

Now, if you have read these extremist undemocratic plans of Trump, you will agree with others that he has no business in the Oval Office. However, while the outward look may look gloomy for our beloved democracy, but be encouraged to know that the upward look is glorious. For II Chronicles 7:14 says: “If my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray, turn from their wicked ways, and seek my face, then will I hear from Heaven, forgive their sins and heal the land.” Thus all of us can agree that this land needs to be healed in every sense of the word. Therefore, if we pray, repent of our sins against God and our fellow man, vote for the God-fearing leader needed for these times (Kamala Harris) and encourage others to do so, then God will change the trajectory of our landscape and our democracy will prevail.

— Bill Turner

The best surgeon

Elections should not be a popularity contest. Let’s look at it this way, you are in need of a lifesaving surgery. You have the option of the best surgeon in the field, but he has a horrible bedside manner. Or, you can choose the surgeon who has never performed this surgery before, let alone any surgery, but is so much more personable and can tell you exactly what you want to hear. I’m picking the bad bedside manner every day. I am not risking my life or the life of a loved one to someone who hasn’t proven they can even lift a scalpel.

Here’s another view. A local restaurant has great food, great service and you really like it. However, the competition started making up rumors about the restaurant and slammed them with negative reviews on Yelp, Google, Facebook and more. They went from a four-star restaurant to a one star to the public. The local news picked up the story and decided to side with the competitor and report the negative reviews as truth. But you know the restaurant is good. You know it’s clean. You’ve enjoyed every visit you ever made. You know the competitor is hyping up the bad reviews. Do you really give up on your go-to spot over a clearly vindictive campaign? I don’t. I go more often. I combat the reviews with my own. I’m not throwing out a completely awesome spot in my community over “online reviews.” I mean, come on, with free AI tools at the hands of the most basic computer user, you can destroy small businesses and reputations in minutes. I’m not participating in that.

So I ask you, as a citizen of the great state of North Carolina and the great country of the United States of America, to head to the ballot box and choose the best surgeon (Donald J. Trump) and your favorite restaurant (Mark Robinson). Step up and make the best choice for our leadership!

— Brittany Sponable,

Endorsing ballot initiatives

As voters get their ballots at the polls, please pay attention to the last page and the 2 Referenda offered. Please vote for on both items.

Referendum 1 is an amendment to the N.C. Constitution specifying only U.S. citizens can vote in N.C. elections. You may ask why we need this amendment. You may say, I thought voting in U.S. elections is for citizens only now. Well, there’s a loophole and a couple states have found it. The U.S. Constitution covers citizens only voting. But the U.S. Constitution is only for federal elections. Most states agree and apply that same logic to state elections. However, if it is not in your state Constitution, and you have some crafty legislators, non-citizens could vote for state offices. That’s right! That’s how some states are allowing for these votes. Let’s lock North Carolina’s state elections down to U.S. citizens only and vote for this referendum.

Referendum 2 is a local referendum asking for partisan school board elections. We currently have non-partisan elections. This makes it hard for voters to understand the philosophy and beliefs of the candidates. There’s little to no time to get to know the candidates as they don’t have to file until July and since they are non-partisan, the local county parties cannot officially get involved. A partisan school board election requires candidates to commit to running early and they file along with all the other primary candidates in December. If multiple people from the same party decide to run, then that party gets to vote and put forth their best candidate. That doesn’t keep Independents and other party affiliations from running. It just keeps it to one candidate per party. I understand that people think education shouldn’t be “political,” but do you know how many people ask, well, which candidate is the Democrat? Or Which candidate is Republican? I think it’s only fair to make these elections partisan. Please vote for this referendum.

— Erica Vedeikis,

School board endorsement

I am very happy to endorse the re-election of Dr. Lynn Marsh to the Rowan-Salisbury school board. I have known and worked with Dr. Marsh for almost 20 years. She has always exhibited the character and concern for school children. She has always put children first. Dr Marsh has been involved in education for 35-plus years. I encourage everyone who has not already voted to cast their vote for Dr. Lynn Marsh which is a vote for children.

Thank you,

— Robin Clark,

A Republican woman’s perspective

As a woman, let me let you in on a secret. Democrats do not care about reproductive rights. If they did, why did they not go to ground trying to enact legislation or have Biden issue an Executive Order to cover Roe v Wade’s reversal. They aren’t. They are politicizing the issue. They understand it is the only leg they have to stand on in this election. You see it in almost every advertisement for a Democrat. You can believe, even if they are elected, just like every other campaign promise, it will never materialize.

Woman to woman, let me let you in on another secret. All Republicans aren’t out to get rid of IVF or medical treatment for pregnant women in danger or help for victims of rape and incest. We are not monsters and villains. What we are asking for is reproductive responsibility. We want men and women, and honestly young adults, to be made aware that with every risk comes a responsibility. Whether that’s pregnancy or a sexually transmitted disease, sex has risks. Society today has dropped the “pregnancy” risk and only focuses on the STDs because abortion is now considered birth control. We want people to respect their partners enough to protect them. And if you can’t respect them enough for protection and dealing with potential risks, you have to accept responsibility. We are also asking for our communities to understand the need for support for pregnancies. We need to fund pregnancy support centers so that parents can get parenting classes, health care and supplies. We need to look into our daycares and schools to make sure they are affordable and safe for all of our children. We need an economy where people can get jobs and afford to take care of their families. We need a government that offers hand-ups and not hand-outs.

Do not be distracted by this one facet of the election. Voting only based on the empty promises over reproductive rights is a dangerous vote. Look at all the issues. Economy — Trump and Republicans have proven they can get us back up and running. Safety — Trump and Republicans have proven we have the ability to shut down the illegal border crossings and human and drug trafficking coming across those borders. Trump has also proven he doesn’t need to start or join any wars as there is peace through strength. Bureaucracy — Trump and Republicans have laid the framework to dig out the rot of bureaucracy in Washington that has decided they can make laws and not the actual people we elected to make laws. Freedom — Trump and Republicans are trying to enhance your freedoms, not taking them away. Please go vote and vote Republican to create a better future for America.

— Kelly Cannon,
Granite Quarry

Vote for Salisbury

What a great month for Salisbury! We take for granted some of the exciting things happening. After years in the making, several milestones have occurred.

What’s not to love about the Empire Hotel project? Yes, it has taken forever, but now the dream is turning into a reality. And those brave enough to lead the charge on this large project have many local ties.

And then there is the potential enormous investment in our train depot turned transportation hub. Salisbury needs to connect to Charlotte and this hub will put us on the right track! (See what I did there?)

The Waterworks Visual Art Center is showing a priceless, private art collection from native son Julian and Josie Robertson. It is breathtakingly beautiful and inspiring. We are beyond lucky to have an opportunity of this huge proportion.

And I hear “The Music Man” at the Meroney is a first-class production; the son of Jake Alexander Boulevard namesake celebrated his 75th birthday; David Whisenant debuted his “Chasing the Story” memoir in a book; and Bell Tower Green and trees around town look beautiful right now.

There is plenty of action in Salisbury.

Vote for Salisbury! We have treasures galore and a bright future ahead.

— Greg Alcorn