Letter to the editor: Will newspapers survive?

Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 16, 2025

What better place place is there to ask this question than in a newspaper like this one? I am one of the few people I know who actually reads newspapers. You may not believe this, but I actually subscribe to one: The Wall Street Journal! Why do I bother?
Here is the answer: to find out why events happen. The internet will tell me what, when and who. However, I want to know why they happen. To understand events, like wildfires in Los Angeles, the mass murder in New Orleans or Trump’s election victory, I want an investigative reporter to do some real digging and tell me why they happened.
“The Wall Street Journal” does that, sometimes in a full-page article! That is why I subscribe to it. Podcasts and short articles do not tell me that.
Newspapers that explain events will survive. Those that don’t will not last.
— Mitchell Pezdek Jr.