Yesterday: 8th graders at Enochville School, 1949-50
Published 12:00 am Monday, October 8, 2012
Lillian Alice Deal provided this photograph of the 1949-50 eighth-grade class at Enochville School. The teacher was Myrtle Karriker; the principal, J.D. Young. These students would attend Landis High School as ninth-graders. Here are the students in the photograph, as best as Deal can remember. First row, left to right — Andrew Holt, Peggy Outen, not known, Mary Williams, Violet Wilkinson, Ellen Daniels, Lillian Deal, Evelyn Smith and John Grisdale. Row 2 — Kenneth Cherry, Miss Karriker, Carolyn Bost, Joyce Fowler, Edna Edwards, Flora Ann Strickland, Linda Daniels, Betty Yost, Carolyn Lee, Betty Archer, F.L. Yountz and J.D. Young. Row 3 — Robert Campbell, Betty McDuffie, Joana Hornbeak, Betty Miller and Linda Thompson. Row 4 — Gene Pethel, Mack Stricker, Dale Karriker, James Sexton, Josephine Galloway, Lois Outen, not known and Philip Karriker. Row 5 — Charles Beaver, not known, Frank Tadlock, Virginia Baker, Mary Frances Wright and Paul Beaver.