Letters to the editor – Monday (10-15-2012)
Published 12:00 am Sunday, October 14, 2012
Flip the channel, sample other views
I will have to admit that I am guilty of being a conservative. Looking at the debate last night in the company of my wife, we discussed different issues. We also are guilty of mainly watching Fox news, although we enjoy most of the views stated there.
Believe it or not we switched the channel to MSNBC just to hear the story from the other side of the mountain. So we then started quickly viewing other channels like CBS and CNN and quickly realized that there is truly a wide gulf between ideas and understanding of the problems of today and solutions as to how to fix them. I am not being judgmental of either side but will say that I think all of us would benefit greatly between now and the election from spending some time watching other news channels for a while, no matter how painful it might be.
I will have to state that there is a day coming very soon that our economy will implode and if we don’t get a handle on that we are all going to suffer. “Payday someday.”
– Dan Patterson
Disrespectful debate
During the VP debate, Vice President Joe Biden proved himself to be extremely rude and disrespectful, to say the least. He smirked, smiled, raised his arms and continuously laughed at Paul Ryan during discussion on extremely serious issues concerning our national security and our economic future.
Mr. Biden insisted on specifics from Mr. Ryan, then proceded to consistently interrupt as Mr. Ryan tried to respond. At last count, Mr. Biden interrupted Mr. Ryan 82 times throughout the debate. In short, Joe Biden acted like a bully.
When asked by a reporter concerning the debate, President Obama replied, “I thought Biden was terrific. I couldn’t be prouder of him.” This speaks volumes about the character of both our president and vice president.
– Elizabeth Landry
Support Battermann
Bill Battermann is a good man – moral and ethical. He is a kind and compassionate man, and a friendly and genial man who can relate to everyone he meets.
Bill has a brilliant mind. He can read the small print in legislation and understand all the implications for and against his constituents and our common good before he votes.
As a Lutheran pastor, he has spent his career serving people, and having recently retired, he wants to continue a life of service to the community.
In some ways, directing a church is like managing a business. There is a budget to help plan and live within. There are many different kinds of problems to solve in assisting he congregation. This was good training for being a legislator. He will listen to the people in his district to help answer their needs. Then he will give sound financial advice in preparing a budget that the state is able to balance.
Bill is very well-spoken. Writing at least one sermon a week and delivering it has certainly prepared him to speak confidently and convincingly to his peers in the legislature. Another one of his great qualities is a sense of humor. That should help him when we send him to Raleigh! I believe he will also bring greater civility into the political arena.
Bill Battermann is uniquely equipped to be our first representative in the brand new 77th District of the N.C. House of Representatives.
Please vote for Bill!
– Martha Lou H. Gascoigne
Cutting the military
Regarding Ruby Walker’s Oct. 6 letter to the editor:
Your letter stated you are unhappy with the way the Salisbury Post is reporting on the presidential election campaign from the Republican side.
Maybe you can watch a rebroadcast of the Oct. 3 presidential debate to check your facts about who wants to cut the military and who wants to keep the military and add additional defense funding.
If you want to help the military and yourself, you should check the facts before you go to the polls.
President Obama’s television campaign is not always accurate on the Romney facts. Some newspapers and television news programs are starting to see the inaccuracies and report on the Romney facts.
You may note that President Obama has already stated that he will cut military/defense spending. With all of that being said, check and see if any of the defense cuts will affect the civilian union defense workers in Washington, D.C., who are not putting their lives on the line.
You stated you are a veteran. I am also a veteran; my son has been in the Army for 20-plus years and will be retiring next year. One of the reasons he is getting out is that he does not know how the Obama military/defense cuts will affect his retirement.
Please try to think of yourself not as a Republican or a Democrat, but for what is best for yourself and our country.
– George D. Krause
Endorsement deadline
Letters endorsing candidates in the Nov. 6 election must be received at the Salisbury Post by 5 p.m., Oct. 30.