Rufty-Holmes November Events
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 28, 2012
MIND AEROBICS ART CLASS: An introduction to mass drawing, pastels and sculpture is explained and demonstrated by professional artist Robert Toth. Explore the novelty that keeps the brain alive through the inspiration that art can give you. Choice of Monday or Friday afternoons from 2-4pm. $10 per session payable to the instructor.
WATERCOLOR WORKSHOPS: Monday evenings at 7:00pm with Frank Saunders. Receive individual guidance and benefit from group instruction as you work on your own watercolor projects. $12 fee per session payable to the instructor. Pre-registration is not required.
ELECTION DAY: Tuesday, November 6 for national, state and county races. Be informed and go vote! Sample ballot on display at the Center.
BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENINGS: Wednesday, November 7 from 9:30-10:30am. Free blood pressure readings and consultation for interested older adults. Provided by retired Geriatric & Adult Nurse Practitioner Gail Kimball.
HANDMADE CHRISTMAS CARD WORKSHOP: Wednesday, November 7 at 1:00pm. Complete six handmade Christmas cards in one two-hour workshop session. All supplies will be provided. Cost is $12 per person payable upon arrival. Instructor is Daphne Houghton. Advance registration is required by calling the Center at 704-216-7714.
VETERANS’ APPRECIATION LUNCHEON: Friday, November 9 from 11:30am – 1:30pm. A drop-in catered luncheon for military veterans who served our nation with overseas duty. Provided free courtesy of Debbie Suggs Catering. Veterans are asked to make reservations by calling the Front Desk at 704-216-7714 by Wednesday, November 7.
MEMORY SCREENING: Tuesday morning, November 13 by appointment. Held in association with the Alzheimer’s Foundation National Memory Screening Day. Come out and receive a free confidential memory screening which can help determine any need for a follow-up examination by a physician. Allay your fears, or confirm your need for professional intervention. Screenings conducted by local RNs. Free and open to any interested older adult.
AARP DRIVER SAFETY PROGRAM: Tuesday, November 13 beginning at 12:30pm. Sponsored by AARP for older drivers interested in a four-hour training class in refining existing driving skills and developing defensive driving techniques. Insurance discounts are available for those completing the course. Cost is $12 per person for AARP members ($14 for non-members) payable upon arrival for class. To recognize and thank military veterans for their service during Veterans’ Week, a special discount for veterans and their dependents will be available. Space is limited, so you must pre-register by calling 704-216-7714.
MEN’S HEALTH & FITNESS CLUB: Wednesday, November 14 at 1:00pm. Free to all men age 55 and older. This month’s topic is “Food For Men: 10 Foods to Boost Male Health,” and includes tips on shopping, cooking, and eating just for guys! Sponsored by Rowan Regional Medical Center and Rufty-Holmes Senior Center.
BEGINNING CROCHET CLASS: Thursdays, November 15 & 29, and December 6, at 5:30pm. Learn how to crochet in this hands-on class! Skills to be covered include basic crochet stitches, reading patterns, choosing yarn and crochet hooks, & more. Students will crochet a scarf in class and will have the option to choose from four different styles. The registration fee does not include supplies. A supply list is provided at the following website: Instructor will be Nancy McDougall. Sponsored by RCCC, the registration fee is $35 per person. To register, call RCCC at 704-216-7222.
CLIP & SAVE COUPONING WORKSHOP: Thursday, November 15 at 6:00pm. Learn how to stretch your dollars with this informative class about coupons. You’ll learn the secrets to saving money with coupons – where to get the best coupons, how to use them, and when to get the best savings. The registration fee is only $20, payable to the class sponsor, RCCC – and you can save more than that in a single trip to the grocery store! Pre-register by calling RCCC at 704-216-7222.
HOLIDAY BAZAAR: Friday, November 16 from 10:00am – 2:00pm. Come shop for your Christmas gift items, home-made baked goods, and specialty crafts at our holiday bazaar. Free admission. Snacks and a hot dog lunch will be available. Persons wishing to have exhibit space should inquire at the Front Desk or call 704-216-7714 for more information.
CELL PHONE FAIR: Friday, November 16 from 10:00am – 11:30am. Need a cell phone but don’t know where to start? Or maybe you’d like a different plan. Vendors from several local companies have been invited to share information about cell phones and plans with area older adults. Drop by the Center during this ninety-minute fair and you can talk one-to-one with different company representatives to learn what they offer, and what might work for you.
HOLIDAY CARAVAN PARADE: Wednesday, November 21. Enjoy the Christmas parade which starts in Spencer at 2:00pm, and Salisbury at 3:00pm. The Center will close at 1:30pm this day.
BUS TRIP TO FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS AT STOWE BOTANICAL GARDENS: Wednesday, November 28. Bus leaves Senior Center parking lot at 9:30am enroute to Charlotte for some initial holiday shopping at South Park Mall before heading over to Gastonia later in the afternoon. We’ve have an early supper at the Longhorn Steakhouse buffet before traveling to Stowe Botanical Gardens for their holiday Festival of Lights. We should return to the Center about 9:00pm. Cost is $40 per person and includes motorcoach transportation, dinner, admission to the Festival of Lights, taxes and tips.
Interested older adults need to pre-pay at the Senior Center in order to reserve a seat on the bus. Reservations are first-come, first-served, and you can pick your seat assignment at the time of purchase. You must be a member of the Center to purchase a ticket. Tickets go on sale Wednesday, November 7 at 2:00pm.
MOVIE OF THE MONTH: Wednesday, November 28 at 2:00pm. Sponsored by Mary Moose, Registered Financial Consultant & Planner, for interested older adults. Come out and enjoy “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel,” with Judi Dench. Viewed on our big screen, the movie includes popcorn and drinks. Free. (Motion picture license # 12137390)
“HIP LUNCHEON”: Thursday, November 29 at noon. Join Dr. James “Chip” Comadoll for lunch and learn about the innovations and advancements in treatment options for hip and knee pain including MAKOplasty, a new procedure that uses 3-D imaging and robot-assisted technology. Sponsored free by Rowan Regional Medical Center for interested older adults. Register by Monday, November 26 by calling 1-800-335-4921. Space is limited.
HOLIDAY DECORATING PARTY: Friday, November 30 beginning at 10:00am. Join members of the Ambassadors Club in decorating the Senior Center for the holidays. Decorations provided although donations are welcome. Pre-registration is not necessary.
COMPUTER CLASSES: Register and pay registration fee at the Front Desk.
Find It on the Internet
Wednesday, November 7 from 9:00-12:00 noon. We will explore various sites that will help you navigate through internet searches. Participants should be somewhat comfortable using the computer. The fee is $10.
Introduction to Computers
Wednesday-Friday , November 14-16 from 1:00-4:00 pm. Still trying to figure out what to do with the computer sitting there in the den? This class is designed to introduce you to Windows 7, the internet, and Microsoft Word. The fee for the class is $28.
Creating your Holiday Newsletter
Thursday-Friday, November 29-30 from 2:00-4:00 pm. Is this the year you finally get around to sending out a holiday newsletter to your family and friends? We will learn how to do the basics for creating your newsletter and get yours started. Participants should be comfortable using Microsoft Word or another word processing program. The fee for the class is $10.
To take a computer class one must be a member of Rufty-Holmes Senior Center. Classes without the minimum required registrants three days prior to class beginning will be canceled.
EXERCISE CLASSES: One may join one of our on-going senior exercise classes after screening and consultation with the Fitness Staff. A variety of offerings are available at different levels, and include Senior-Lite Jazzercise, Coed Fitness, SilverSneakers I Muscular Strength & Range of Movement, Strength-ercise, Cardio Strength Training, Tai Chi, and Chair Yoga, as well as arthritis water exercise and cardiovascular water exercise classes. Strength and aerobic fitness equipment is also available for use, with trained staff accessible to provide an orientation and instruction. Inquire at the Front Desk for more information or call 704-216-7714.
CHAIR MASSAGES: Twenty-minute sessions are available at Rufty-Holmes Senior Center by appointment with Travis Alligood, LMBT. Cost is $12 per session. To schedule an appointment call 704-640-3718.
Enjoy BINGO every Tuesday from 1-3pm for $1.50, sponsored by Beltone Hearing Aid Centers.
Members are invited to enjoy CARD & GAME DAY Thursdays from 1-4pm. Free with refreshments.
LUNCH CLUBS: Rufty-Holmes Senior Center offers eight locations throughout Rowan County for adults age 60 and older to gather for lunch, fellowship and educational programs Monday thru Friday. Clubs are located in China Grove, Cleveland, East Spencer, Granite Quarry, Rockwell, Spencer and Salisbury. There is no charge to participate, but donations are encouraged and accepted. For more information, call 704-216-7702.
BROADCAST BINGO: Available through the Center’s Outreach Program for Rowan County older adults age 60 and older. Win prizes from Chick-Fil-A and My Farm Fresh MarketPlace by listening daily to Memories 1280 Radio. Call 704-216-7707 to enroll and for more information. Free.
VETERAN SERVICES: The Rowan County Veterans Service Office is located at Rufty-Holmes Senior Center. Service Officer Elaine Howle is available to meet with Rowan County veterans to assist them in applying and receiving all VA benefits to which they are legally entitled. For an appointment, call 704-216-8138.
APPOINTMENTS FOR LEGAL ASSISTANCE: Several times a year an attorney with Legal Aid of North Carolina, Inc. will be available to meet with interested persons at the Center by appointment to provide assistance in non-criminal matters (family law, public assistance, housing, consumer protection, etc). The service is free to low-income adults age 60 or older, provided with regional funds from the Area Agency on Aging. For information, and to schedule an appointment, call the NC Legal Aid office at 1-877-579-7562 and identify yourself as an older adult residing in Rowan County.
ASSISTANCE WITH HEARING NEEDS: For individuals who are hard of hearing and need assistance with hearing devices or telephone communication. Sponsored by the NC Division of Services for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing. Schedule an appointment at Rufty-Holmes by calling 1-800-835-5302.
“SAFE” ASSISTANCE: Rowan County older adults age 60+, or those with a disability, are eligible for assistance through the Safety Assessment for Emergencies (SAFE) Project sponsored by the Senior Center and funded through the generous support of the Robertson Family Foundation. Free smoke & carbon monoxide detectors can be obtained free of charge. For more information call 704-216-7704.
“ARE YOU OK?” SERVICE: Sign up for free daily automated telephone safety checks through the Center by calling 704-216-7704.
INSURANCE INFORMATION PROGRAM ASSISTANCE: Rufty-Holmes Senior Center is the Rowan County location for the Seniors Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) operated by the NC Department of Insurance. Staff and trained counselors are available to assist individuals and families with impartial information on Medicare supplemental and prescription drug plans by appointment. Call 704-216-7703 for more information.
GOLD CARDS: Rowan County residents age 62 and older can obtain passes to attend home Rowan-Salisbury Schools athletic, musical and drama events free of charge. These can be obtained at the Front Desk at the Center with a photo ID.
GENERAL INFORMATION & ASSISTANCE: Staff members are available to assist individuals and families with general information and assistance in utilizing various community services available to older adults. If you have a need, call the Center’s Information & Assistance Program at 704-216-7700.
Need a ride to the senior center?T he city bus serves the senior center hourly (at approximately 5 minutes past the hour) monday – friday on route # 1. For information call 704-638-5252.
County residents age 60 and older can qualify for transportation assistance to the center at 704-216-8888.
Scholarship assistance is available for any local older adult who needs help with program fees for classes or activities. No one is refused participation based on an inability to pay program fees. Support for program scholarships is provided by the Blanche & Julian Robertson Family Foundation. Contact any staff member for information.
Want to provide a special holiday, birthday, anniversary or thank you gift for that older adult who already has everything? Stop by the senior center office to purchase a discount coupon for a class or activity offered at Rufty-Holmes.