City Council considers new parking rules

Published 12:00 am Sunday, March 13, 2011

By Emily Ford
Downtown Salisbury Inc. will ask City Council to address the problem of downtown employees parking illegally in spaces intended for customers.
The organization will suggest new city parking ordinances ó one aimed at repeat offenders and another that establishes late fees for people who donít pay their tickets.
City Council meets at 4 p.m. Tuesday in City Hall.
Randy Hemann, executive director for Downtown Salisbury, and Salisbury Police have identified about 25 downtown employees who park on the street all day in 2-hour spaces, Hemann told Council last month at a planning retreat.
They are costing retailers about $1.6 million each year in lost sales, Hemann said.
The cityís parking ticket system is not computerized. At the retreat, Hemann asked Council to consider purchasing a $15,000 computer system that could track offenders, issue late fees and escalate fines each time a motorist parks illegally.
A downtown merchant has offered to raise half the cost of the computer system.
Also Tuesday, Council will:
Consider pursuing special funding from state contingency funds to pay for new sidewalks and other improvements in the 300 block of North Lee Street.
Council members heard complaints at their retreat about a 400-foot stretch of crumbling sidewalk near Integro Technologies.
Consider a Land Development Ordinance text amendment that would change the definition of a child day-care home from less than six children to more than two but less than nine children.
The definition of a child day-care center would change form six or more children to three or more preschool-aged or nine or more school-aged children.
The new definitions would match state guidelines. Local day-care owners requested the change.
Council will hold a public hearing.
Consider a Land Development Ordinance text amendment that would allow wayfinding signs in the city to direct visitor and residents to tourist attractions, government facilities, cultural institutions and medical services.
The Salisbury Tourism and Cultural Development Commission is developing the system, which will be funded with the hotel occupancy tax.
Council will hold a public hearing.
Consider amending the approved group development site plan for Kelley Properties to allow for a Golden Corral Restaurant in the 1000 block of East Innes Street.
Council will receive public comment.
Consider closing an alley located in the 200 block of North Arlington Street in anticipation of commercial development on two vacant lots owned by A&H Investments.
Developer Jake Alexander said last month he has a contract on the property he owns in the fragile Park Avenue neighborhood.
The development is commercial, not residential, and would create 20 to 30 jobs and represent a $4 million investment, he said.
Council last month agreed to rezone the lot at 825 E. Liberty St. from Urban Residential to Corridor Mixed-Use.
Tuesday, Council will hold a public hearing on the proposed alley closing. In addition to Alexanderís property, the alley serves property own by three other owners.
Receive a presentation from the Salisbury Public Art Committee regarding upcoming events, including installation of the 2011 Salisbury Sculpture Show on April 1, an artist symposium on April 2 and a family fun day May 14.
Receive a presentation from Reid Leonard regarding the development of a Military Flag Memorial Concourse at City Park.
Consider the first reading of the 20l1-2012 budget for CDBG and HOME program funds.
Consider adopting a resolution authorizing Mayor Susan Kluttz to enter into a Joint Cooperation Agreement for the HOME Investment Partnership Program.
Consider a request for a temporary use approval, with conditions, for a carnival to operate at the J.C. Price Legion Post, 1433 Old Wilkesboro Road, for its annual Memorial Week Celebration.
Consider awarding a contract in the amount of $31,800 to Martin Starnes & Associates for auditing services for the upcoming year.
Receive a report from staff regarding railroad crossings at Pearl Street, Tower Drive and Davis Street.
Consider appointments to various boards and commissions.
Receive public comments.
Approve 2011-12 council goals and outcomes.
Contact reporter Emily Ford at 704-797-4264.