Who’s Who list

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Whoís Who Among Students in America
Forty Reinhardt University students were recently named to Whoís Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges.
Whoís Who is one of the most highly regarded and long-standing honors programs in the nation, having earned the overwhelming respect of college faculties and administrations. And for the students ó the outstanding campus leaders of the year ónational recognition by the Whoís Who program marks a pinnacle of scholastic and extracurricular achievement.
James Thomas of Mooresville is among the students named to this honor.
The aim of Whoís Who Among Students program is to recognize young adults who enhance the positive image of American youth through their contributions to their community and college through curricular and extracurricular involvements. Selections to Whoís Who Among Students are made by individual schools through nominating upperclassmen students eligible for the program. Only upperclassmen matriculating in a four-year undergraduate curriculum with a 3.5 GPA are eligible for nomination to Whoís Who Among Students.
New River Community College (NRCC) student Heather D. Crow was among the 58 NRCC students named to ěWhoís Who Among Students in American Junior Collegesî this year.
She is the daughter-in-law of Salisbury residents Homer and Bernice Crow. ěWhoís Whoî students were recognized at the recent Presidentís Awards Ceremony at NRCC in Dublin.