Free seminar on Alexander Technique

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 25, 2011

SALISBURY — Missy Barnes and Ashley Hyers will lead a free seminar to introduce people to the Alexander Technique for reducing physical tension and stress on Saturday at the Center for the Environment at Catawba College.
Barnes is an associated professor of theatre arts at Catawba College and Hyers is director of the dance program at Greensboro College. Both are certified teachers of the Alexander Technique.
The Alexander Technique was developed by F.M Alexander and aims to re-educate the body into moving more easily, a press release said. Participants will be offered both an explanation as well as a brief hands-on experience of the technique.
“The Alexander Technique is a simple and practical method by which people learn how to reduce unnecessary tension while going about their normal activities. Sitting, standing, using a computer, participating in athletics and performing all become easier when a person is free from the interference of excess physical tension,” the press release said. “Alexander Technique teachers observe people engaged in their normal activities and use a combination of verbal instructions and light guiding touch to help them regain freedom of motion.
“People generally seek the benefits of the technique in response to general tension and stress challenges (tight neck and shoulders, nervousness in social situations) or specific pain issues (back problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, knee problems). The technique is also studied by performers (musicians, actors, dancers) and athletes to enhance performance skills.”
This presentation will be 9:30-11 a.m.