Historic Salisbury Foundation offers preservation contest

Published 12:00 am Sunday, July 20, 2014

Each month up to October the Historic Salisbury Foundation is hosting a different contest to help spread the word about OctoberTour.
In July’s contest, the person who posts a preservation experience on Historic Salisbury Foundation’s Facebook page and gets the most likes, shares or comments, can win a $100 VISA gift card.
This preservation experience could involve restoring a home, a car, a painting, family history, an old door or almost any sort of project that involves restoration. Write a short explanation of the project and then post it on the HSF Facebook page. A photograph is encouraged (as it may help generate greater reponse) but not required.
In August and September the contest will change, so HSF encourages you to visit their page frequently.
Historic Salisbury Foundation Inc. can be found at www.historicsalisbury.org or www.facebook.com/pages/Historic-Salisbury-Foundation/ 55073007501?ref=hl