Letters to the editor – Friday (7-1-2011)

Published 12:00 am Friday, July 1, 2011

Hospice House is community project
As co-chairs for the Rowan Hospice House Steering Committee, we would like to clarify some facts concerning the Hospice House project.
As stated during the Hospice House groundbreaking ceremony held on Statesville Boulevard on Monday, June 20, the Rowan Hospice House will be under the umbrella of Rowan Regional Medical Center. However, the Hospice House has been, and continues to be a community-driven effort.
Community volunteers, when asked, consented to serve in positions as both committee chairs and committee members in the development of the Hospice House facility. They have been dedicated and committed to their task. Their collective leadership has been the “guiding force” behind the project.
The Hospice House project, including site selection, was unanimously endorsed by the members of the Hospice Steering Committee and recommended to the Rowan Regional Medical Center Board. After significant due diligence of both the site and land ownership, the Rowan Regional Medical Center Board unanimously approved the project.
The groundbreaking that occurred on June 20 was a wonderful event in which these many volunteers of the Hospice House Steering Committee were recognized and was only slightly marred by a disruption to the event. There were more than 100 people in attendance at the groundbreaking who can attest to the events that occurred.
At this point we believe the focus needs to be on what is best for the patients of Rowan County who need this Rowan Hospice House and on our mission to provide compassionate care to those patients, right here in Rowan County. We ask your support of this wonderful project and to help us truly make this dream come true.
— Tippie Miller, Libby Gish and Harold Earnhardt
Not a proud moment
To all sponsors of the gay pride parade:
It grieves me to see my hometown giving its “blessing” to what God calls an abomination. While the parade may have your blessing, God removes His blessing from those who defiantly mock Him. Although you have presently set yourself up as judge of the Bible, the day is coming when it will judge you. You have brought shame, not pride, to our city by your endorsement and sponsorship of this event.
Remember Sodom and Gomorrah.
— Renee Scheidt
China Grove
Fair elections
Elected officials and employees of government at every level form a partnership with others for self-enrichment or as favors to family or friends to the detriment of others. This is not good public policy nor acceptable for any reason.
An individual should be able to view and count the ballots, if desired, for city elections and judgeships to preserve the integrity of the ballot box. Ballots and registrations need not be numbered to get a count of how many are voting. When you put a ballot in the vote-counter, they are stacked. You might as well write your name on the ballot.
Appointees by the governor should not be in office longer than the governor is in office, with no chance to run for position if he or she accepted the appointment.
City government knows no limits, has no responsibility to most of the citizens, ignoring the larger part of state law that would be different with an explanation of what you’re going to do about it. Bullying and scare tactics, reinforced by the Salisbury police with guns, open the door to the city partners and shareholders to the detriment of the concerned public. This is not acceptable.
The gloves should be off in all non-partisan elections. There should be no non-partisan elections at any level.
Are officials liable for their actions after leaving office if it goes too far against public policy?
— Robert Boone