School system provides checklist of items for students
Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 4, 2011
Here’s a list of supplies students will need at area schools, found on the Rowan-Salisbury School System website:
Elementary schools
Teachers may request students bring the following supplies to Rowan-Salisbury elementary schools. Assistance will be available for students who need help getting these items. For questions about the lists, contact your child’s school.
Kindergarten — book bag; optional items: glue sticks, three-ring binder, Ziploc bags, Wet Wipes-unscented, change of clothing, scissors, facial tissues.
Grade 1 — book bag, block eraser, glue sticks, pencils, Ziploc bags, pencil pouch or box, old sock; optional items: 70-page composition notebook, dry erase markers, facial tissue.
Grade 2 — book bag, crayons, wide-ruled notebook paper, pencils, pencil pouch or box, glue, erasers; optional items: scissors, Ziploc bags, pocket folders, composition notebooks, clipboard, facial tissue.
Grade 3 — book bag, wide- ruled, loose-leaf paper; pencils, facial tissue.
Grade 4 — book bag, loose-leaf paper, pencils, pencil pouch or box, composition notebooks or three-ring binder, facial tissue.
Grade 5 — book bag, loose-leaf paper, pencils, pencil pouch or box, composition notebooks or three-ring binder, facial tissue.
Middle and high school
Middle school and high school supply lists depend on which team or teacher the child is assigned to. Schedules will not be ready until just before school begins and are typically given out at open houses. It is recommended that students at this level buy the basics listed below and be prepared to buy supplies as needed by the individual teacher.
Suggested general supplies — notebook paper, notebook, composition books, pens (black and blue ink), pencils, erasers, highlighters.
There are no detailed lists from the high schools.
China Grove Middle
Sixth grade — Two boxes of tissues (optional), one zip-close binder; for science: one 2-inch, three-ring notebook; notebook paper, 24-pack of pencils, pens in black, red and blue; colored pencils, pencil pouch; four folders with pockets with three-ring holes in red, blue, green, yellow; glue sticks; highlighters, two dry erase markers, four single-subject notebooks on red, blue, green, yellow; four packs of 3-by-5 index cards; one box of baby wipes, one pair of student scissors.
Seventh grade — one 2-inch, three-ring binder, three five-subject notebooks; for science, two composition books (not spiral); pens, pencils (if mechanical, extra lead), colored pencils, highlighters, notebook paper, erasers for pencil tops, 3-by-5 index cards, glue sticks, tissues (optional), Post-It Notes.
Optional for all grade levels: if hand sanitizer is sent, it can only be the Germ-X brand.
Eighth grade — No zip binders; notebook paper, pencils, pens, colored pencils, notebook paper, index cards (4-by-6); glue sticks, highlighters, Post-It Notes, steno notebook; for science: 1-inch, three-ring binder, composition book, hardbound, not spiral; for AIG reading: composition book; for math: five-subject notebook; for reading: three-ring binder with paper; for social studies: three-ring binder; triple A batteries for calculators (optional), tissues .
Corriher Lipe Middle
Sixth grade — Math: one red, five-subject, spiral composition notebook; science: one green, five-subject, spiral composition notebook; social studies: one blue, five-subject, spiral composition notebook; language arts: one yellow or purple, five-subject composition notebook.
Additional materials: loose- leaf paper, five packs; No. 2 pencils (students will be expected to have two pencils with them each day); one package of pencil top erasers, one package colored pencils.
Students are allowed to use book bags to carry books to and from school. During the school day book bags are kept in lockers because of safety and limited space in the classrooms. Book bags with rollers will not fit in lockers and should not be purchased.
The school provides a homework organizer for recording assignments. Students will be informed on the first day of school of any materials required for exploratory/PE classes.
Wish list: boxes of tissues, glue sticks, extra pencil-top erasers, antibacterial soap, bandages.
Seventh grade — one three-ring binder (2 or 3 inches), wide- rule, loose-leaf paper; five dividers, pencils, pencil pouch (to keep in binder); colored pencils; hand-held pencil sharpener; pencil-top erasers
Requested for classroom donation: packs of loose-leaf, wide-rule paper, boxes of tissues, pencils, packs of copy paper, glue sticks.
Eighth grade — bound composition notebooks usually have black and white marble colors, but any color or cover is acceptable. No spiral bound notebooks or notebooks with perforated pages.
Math: a three-ring binder, 1 to 11/2 inches; loose-leaf notebook paper, notebook dividers, one pack of graph paper, one bound composition notebook, pencils.
Social studies: a three-ring binder, 1 to 11/2 inches; loose-leaf notebook paper; markers/colored pencils (for projects), pencils, pens.
Science: a bound composition notebook, loose-leaf notebook paper, pencils, plastic pocket folder (with or without prongs).
Language arts: A three-ring binder, 1 to 11/2 inches; loose-leaf notebook paper, notebook dividers with tabs (one pack), a bound composition notebook, pencils.
Staff would appreciate donations of these items: packs of loose-leaf paper, markers, extra bound composition notebooks, boxes of tissues, colored pencils, pencils, packs of copy paper, glue sticks, bandages.
Erwin Middle School
Pencils, pens, wide-ruled notebook paper, four composition books, two notebooks. Teachers may request specific items during open house.
Knox Middle School
Sixth grade — two marble, bound composition notebooks, loose-leaf paper, three-ring notebook, binders, wide-rule notebook paper, glue sticks, colored pencils, two highlighters, 3-by-5 lined note cards, blue or black pens, No. 2 pencils, graph paper, crayons, ruler with inches and centimeters, enclosed personal pencil sharpener. Optional: calculator, hand sanitizer, Ziploc bags, dry erase markers, colored copy paper, tissues.
Seventh grade — Colored pencils, crayons, markers, three-ring notebook binder, wooden No. 2 pencils, loose leaf notebook, paper, pencil- top erasers or pearl erasers, ruler with inches and centimeters, protractor, two-pocket folder, three-subject composition notebook, enclosed personal pencil sharpener. Optional: hand sanitizer, calculator, tissues.
Eighth grade — colored pencils, colored markers, pencil bag, enclosed personal pencil sharpener, wooden No. 2 pencils (24 pack), loose-leaf notebook paper, four marble string-bound composition books (not spiral), 3-by-5 note cards and ring for word skills flashcards, ruler with inches and centimeters, highlighters, graph paper notebook, three spiral notebooks, four-pack glue stick, safety scissors, dry erase markers, two blue or black pens, two boxes of tissues. Optional: TI-83/TI-84 calculator, hand sanitizer, two rolls of paper towels, tissues.
North Rowan Middle
Sixth grade — two packs of paper per subject, one three-ring binder for each subject, one pack graph paper, two marble, 70-page notebooks per subject, two packs of large/small index cards, one pack dividers, one red pocket folder, one any color pocket folder, one pack highlighters, two markers, two crayons, two colored pencils
Donation: one bottle hand sanitizer, one box Ziploc bags per subject, two boxes tissues
Optional: two packs copy paper per subject, two packs card stock paper-language arts.
Donations of extra supplies,would be greatly appreciated.
Seventh grade — notebook for each subject, pencils (not mechanical), colored pencils, blue or black pen, three-ring binder, graph paper, headphones, marble composition book for science, colored clay for science, colored paper (optional).
Donation: Tissues, hand sanitizer.
Eighth grade — This is a basic list. More may be needed depending on individual teachers. Loose leaf paper, pencils, pens, highlighters, two binders, one green pocket folder, two folders with fasteners in the middle, two spiral notebooks (one replenished each quarter), one composition book, colored pencils.
AIG math: three-ring binders (one per semester), loose-leaf notebook paper, color-coded dividers, pack of traditional pencils (non-mechanical), erasers, colored pencils, two packs of index cards (3-by-5), ruler, safety compass, protractor, graph paper (quad ruled); for sixth grade: marble composition book; for seventh grade: marble composition book, copy paper (optional); for eighth grade: marble composition book, copy paper (optional), TI-83 plus graphing calculator access (for use at home).
Donation: dry erase markers, box of tissues, hand sanitizer.
AIG Language Arts: one three-subject notebook, loose- leaf notebook paper, pencils (not mechanical), blue or black pens, crayons (optional); poster board for various projects; tissues (donation).
The schools asks that supplies be in place before Labor Day. Any parent wishing to assist the class through the donation of these items is welcome to do so.
West Rowan Middle
Sixth grade — tissues, binder with dividers or Expand-a-File, crayons, colored pencils or markers, wide-ruled notebook paper, No. 2 pencils, erasers, red pens, zippered (thin) pencil pouch (no boxes), folder for graded papers.
Seventh grade — two, 2-inch, three-ring binder notebooks (do not have to be Trapper Keepers), two packs of notebook dividers with colored tabs, one pack of 12 colored pencils, three plain folders with pockets and holes punched to fit in notebook, supply of loose leaf notebook paper (no composition books), supply of pencils, one pencil pouch that fits inside a notebook, two boxes of tissues, one package of 3-by-5 index cards, one index card file box (can be recipe file box or index card binder), one 70-page composition book, one package graph paper.
Eighth grade — two 2-inch, three-ring binders, dividers, loose-leaf notebook paper; two three-ring pocket folders (one yellow, one green), glue/glue stick, Scotch tape, pencils, markers, crayons, colored pencils, index cards, tissues.
Band (all grades) — Pencils, composition notebook – single subject
Health and P.E. (all grades) — three-ring notebook, pencils, pens, (blue or black), ruler, scissors, glue stick, colored pencils (optional but recommended), box of tissues, pedometer.
Southeast Middle
Sixth grade — notebook paper, graph paper, pens/pencils (wooden only), highlighters, pencil top erasers, notecards, one-inch binder for agenda; for home: poster paper, scissors, glue, ruler, protractor, compass, colored pencils or markers.
Seventh and eighth grade —binder, pens/pencils, pencil top erasers, notebook paper, spiral notebooks, dividers, highlighters, notecards, glue, colored pencils or markers.
Locks must be purchased from the school.