Kannapolis schools 2011-12 calendar
Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 18, 2011
Kannapolis Schools 2011-12 calendar
18 Optional Day for Teachers
19 Mandatory Professional Development Day for Teachers
22 Mandatory Day for School Meetings
23 Mandatory Day for Teachers
24 Mandatory Day for Teachers
25 First Day for Students
5 Labor Day Holiday
28 End of First Nine Weeks
31 Mandatory Professional Development Day
7-10 Report Cards Issued
11 Veteran’s Day Holiday
23 Thanksgiving (Annual Leave for Teachers)
24-25 Thanksgiving (Holiday)
23, 26 Christmas (Holiday)
27-30 Christmas (Annual Leave for Teachers)
2 New Year’s Holiday & Possible Weather Make-up Day
6-13 Exams & EOC’s
13 End of Second Nine-weeks/End of First Semester
16 Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
17 Mandatory Professional Development Day/Possible Weather Make-up Day
18 Mandatory Day for Teachers/Possible Weather Make-up Day
23-27 Report Cards Issued
17 Optional Teacher Workday/Possible Weather Make-up Day
20 Optional Teacher Workday/Possible Weather Make-up Day
13 NC Writing Test – Grade 10
22 End of Third Nine-weeks
23 Optional Teacher Workday
26 Mandatory Professional Development Day/Possible Weather Make-up Day
2-5 Report Cards Issued
6 Easter Holiday/Possible Weather Make-up Day
9-13 Easter Break (Annual Leave Days)
13-9 Possible Weather Make-up Days
14-16 End of Grade Testing
28 Memorial Day Holiday/Possible Weather Make-up Day
1-8 Exams & EOC’s
8 Elementary Report Cards (K-6) issued
8 End of Fourth Nine-weeks/End of Second Semester/Last Day for Students
8 Graduation
11, 12 Mandatory Workdays for Teachers
13 Mandatory Professional Development Day
14++ Report Cards Issued (MS and HS available for pick-up)
Inclement Weather Make-Up Plan
Staff should be cautious scheduling activities on the following inclement weather make-up days. Those days on which school is not scheduled for students are NOT GUARANTEED as staff planning days or annual leave days. Please take this fact into consideration when planning vacations, making reservations, etc. The order of use will be determined based on the number of days missed and when days are missed and will be announced as soon as possible after an inclement weather event has ended.
Designated Inclement Weather Days: January 2, January 17, January 18, February 17, February 20, March 26, May 28, April 6, April 13, April 12, April 11, April 10, April 9..
The feasibility of a Saturday make-up will be determined and, if held, Saturday will be a full day of school.
Legal Note: NC law requires that all days missed due to inclement weather must be made up. If more days are missed than the above list will accomodate, then the Superintendent and the Board of Education will determine additional make-up days.