Published 12:00 am Friday, September 9, 2011
Deadline for posters is 5 p.m.
Rowan Iredell Volunteer Fire Department annual meeting tonight at 7, Chenault Road, Cleveland. All property owners are invited to attend.
Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church of Salisbury will host a Back-to-School Event Saturday at 1920 Shirley Ave., 1-4 p.m.; school supplies, uniforms, hot dogs and giveaways.
WIP First Gospel Fest, Oct. 15, 11a.m.-6p.m., Kelsey Scott Park. Vendors welcome, setup charge, $50. Clothes, food, shoes, purses, candles, incense, bows, etc. Respond by Sept. 30. Call Paula Tripp, 704-431-9355; Tina Phillips, 704-232-4154; or Melissa Gladden, 704-754-1813. Rain date, Oct. 22.
Fish, hot dogs, hamburgers, desserts for sale 11 a.m.-5 p.m., today, Hallís Chapel Primitive Baptist Church, 611 E. Monroe St., sponsored by the Pastorís Anniversary Committee.
J.C. Price Post 107 sponsoring Gala Dance Sunday, 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Music by DJ ěPeachesî. Donation $5. Ladies free until 10p.m. Dress code enforced. Police security presence. Raffles and door prizes.