Lutheran Home holds Harvest Moon Ball
Published 12:00 am Saturday, December 3, 2011
By Brenda Zimmerman
For The Salisbury Post
utheran Home’s sixth annual Harvest Moon Ballwas the evening of Nov. 11. If the numerology reports were right, the auspicious date of 11-11-11 suited perfectly because everything was No.1, numero uno, first rate, first class!
The excitement began about two weeks prior when the ladies of the house started selecting their evening wear. Men were fitted for tuxedos. Hair appointments were made. Corsages were ordered. On Nov. 11, the main activity room was closed off for decorating. The Catawba cheerleaders arrived mid-afternoon to start working at stations all along the hallway to do hair, make-up and nails. The entire building was buzzing with anticipation.
With Volunteer Catawba coordinating all elements of the day, Jackie Hodgson lined up Steve Etters and the Salisbury Swing Band to provide fantastic music. The entire Catawba baseball team showed up to escort ladies to the dance for the evening. Rumor has it that a pre-requisite for playing baseball at Catawba is being good looking!
There were tender moments when sons and daughters asked parents to dance. There were bittersweet moments when residents remembered briefly who they had been at one point in their lives. There were tables surrounded by families laughing, enjoying the food and fellowship. There were collars to straighten and hands to hold as the moment was captured by photographer Steve Norman at the prom arch.
The band offered musical tributes to the five branches of the military while all veterans in the room gathered up front. Perhaps the most telling and poignant moment of the night was when one young Catawba ball player walked up the row of veterans, shook each one’s hand and thanked them for their service and for the freedom he himself could enjoy because of their sacrifice.
The evening wrapped up with the crowning of King Joe Saleeby and Queen Era Craver. It was a fairy tale night that captured the “Evening in Paris” theme perfectly. From the youngest dancer to the most senior dancer, the evening was a tremendous demonstration of what it is like to live, work and serve in a community where Lutheran Home’s vision statement, “I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John10:10), is upheld and enhanced by those idividuals who see an opportunity and make things happen.