Cal Thomas, Author at Salisbury Post - Page 2 of 7


Cal Thomas: Climate activist doesn’t know it all at age 16

By Cal Thomas How much credibility should we give to a 16-year-old when considering her qualifications to lecture adults about science and an end-of-the-world scenario? ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Saturday, September 28, 2019 12:00 am


Cal Thomas: In Kavanaugh reboot, Democrats keep trying

By Cal Thomas When the Supreme Court, under a previous ideological majority, was handing down decisions favorable to the left, Democrats were fine with deferring ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Sunday, September 22, 2019 12:00 am


Cal Thomas: When government runs health care, be wary

By Cal Thomas DUBLIN — “When would you like to schedule your knee replacement surgery?” asked my American doctor before I left for Ireland. I ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Sunday, September 15, 2019 12:00 am


Cal Thomas: Will Democrats tax your retirement savings?

The late bank robber Willie “The Actor” Sutton is said to have been asked by a reporter why he robbed banks, to which he supposedly ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Sunday, September 8, 2019 12:00 am


Cal Thomas: Trump has options for State of Union

Speaker Nancy Pelosi has given President Trump an opportunity to change the dynamic of the State of the Union address, an event that has become ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Tuesday, January 22, 2019 12:00 am


Cal Thomas: Searching for peace and goodwill in a lost world

Not for a long time has the world seemed so removed from the angelic proclamation of 2,000 years ago: “Glory to God in the highest, ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Tuesday, December 25, 2018 1:17 am


Cal Thomas: It’s time to get tough on criminal justice reform

Republicans and conservatives dating back at least to Richard Nixon have used the slogan “tough on crime” and its corollary “lock ’em up and throw ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Sunday, December 23, 2018 4:52 am


Cal Thomas: This time it’s the Boy Scouts

The erosion of what many Americans once believed were the foundations of our country continues apace. They include, but are not limited to, overspending and ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Wednesday, December 19, 2018 12:25 am


Cal Thomas: The fury of the Establishment is unleashed on Trump

Hell may have no fury like a woman scorned, but scorning the Washington Establishment produces even greater anger. The Establishment’s full fury has been unleashed ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Sunday, December 16, 2018 12:18 am


Cal Thomas: A man of character

I first met the man who would become America’s 41st president in 1968. He was a Houston congressman and I was a young reporter for ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Tuesday, December 4, 2018 7:01 am


Cal Thomas: The Florida fiasco continues

After two recounts — one by machine, the other by hand — after a concession speech by Andrew Gillum, the Democratic candidate for governor, which ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Wednesday, November 21, 2018 12:33 am


Cal Thomas: Will Democrats seize the moment, or vice versa?

We are about to find out whether Democrats meant it when they lamented the loss of civility in Washington. Having won the majority in the ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Wednesday, November 7, 2018 9:24 pm


Cal Thomas: The sickness spreads

Just in time for Halloween comes a former male stripper, who drove a van with Trump stickers plastered all over it, being charged with sending ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Monday, October 29, 2018 5:34 pm


Cal Thomas: A plan for debt relief

As difficult as it may be to believe, there was a time when Republicans were known as the anti-debt and balanced budget party. Now, the ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Wednesday, October 24, 2018 12:39 am


Cal Thomas: Susan Collins’ finest hour

In a speech announcing her vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, reminded me of some of the great ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Tuesday, October 9, 2018 4:58 pm


Cal Thomas: A victory on trade

In baseball, when a team trades a player to another team each side expects a benefit in return. Not so in recent years when it ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Sunday, October 7, 2018 7:37 pm


Cal Thomas: Democrats’ delay tactics

You have to hand it to the Democrats. They know how to use the media and the political process to gum up the works when ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Saturday, September 22, 2018 12:45 am


Cal Thomas: A US history lesson from Kavanaugh hearings

They don’t teach history, at least American history, like they did when I attended public school. That’s why the recent hearings on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Wednesday, September 19, 2018 12:39 am


Cal Thomas: Obama goes on attack, but arguments fail against Trump successes

He’s back. President Obama has emerged from his supposed cloistered life to attack President Trump. Obama broke with a tradition apparently only modern Republican ex-presidents ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Wednesday, September 12, 2018 10:37 pm


Cal Thomas: Qualified Kavanaugh facing hostile Democrats

Since Robert Bork’s “borking” 30 years ago, Senate Judiciary Committee hearings for a high court nominee by a Republican president have become predictable. Democrats, who ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Wednesday, September 5, 2018 10:51 pm


Cal Thomas: Just wait until the doctor is not in

If you are frustrated by wait times to see your doctor, the cost of health insurance and prescription drugs, just wait until there may be ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Wednesday, August 22, 2018 4:28 pm


Cal Thomas: Prison reform an unlikely GOP issue

Prison reform has normally been an issue embraced by Democrats, not Republicans. But, perhaps, like so many other things in the Trump administration, this, too, ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Tuesday, August 14, 2018 11:28 pm


‘The Matrix’ at 20: A prophecy now being realized?

Next year marks the 20th anniversary of the sci-fi movie classic “The Matrix,” which depicts powerful machines attempting to subdue the human race. Sometimes art ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Sunday, August 12, 2018 12:00 am


Cal Thomas: Advice for Trump

Dear Mr. President, “Would you take this advice I hand you like a brother”? It’s a song lyric from the musical “The Pajama Game,” but ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Tuesday, August 7, 2018 8:58 pm


Cal Thomas: What’s not to like about Trump’s policies?

Like a baseball team that is way behind going into the fifth inning, Democrats (and socialists) are hoping for the political equivalent of a rainout, ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Tuesday, July 31, 2018 10:11 pm


Cal Thomas: The seduction of socialism

For the current generation, sometimes referred to as millennials, it appears one thing is more seductive than sex — and that’s socialism. Sen. Bernie Sanders ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Thursday, July 26, 2018 12:00 am


Cal Thomas: Questioning intelligence, and I don’t mean Trump’s

Did President Trump bungle the moment in Helsinki by casting doubt on American intelligence findings that Russian agents “meddled” in the 2016 election? His critics, ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Wednesday, July 18, 2018 4:32 pm


Cal Thomas: Get on with Kavanaugh confirmation

If Alexander Hamilton had been nominated  for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court today, Democrats would likely oppose him. About the court, Hamilton said: ... Read more

by Cal Thomas, Friday, July 13, 2018 10:51 pm

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