Darrell Blackwelder, Author at Salisbury Post - Page 10 of 18

Farm & Garden

Time to move houseplants indoors

Cooler temperatures and falling leaves are a signal for those with houseplant outdoors to move them indoors soon. Nighttime temperatures dipping down into the 40-degree ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, October 18, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder: Camellias are beginning to show their beautiful bloom colors

Sasanqua camellias (camellia sasanqua) are beginning to show their beautiful bloom colors throughout the county. Sasanqua-type camellias bloom in the fall while the larger bloomed camellia ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, October 18, 2020 12:00 am


Blackwelder column: Fertilize fescue lawns now

Now is the time to consider fertilization of established fescue lawns.  Properly fertilized and maintained turf withstands summer droughts, diseases and other pest problems.   ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, October 11, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Chrysanthemums can add a splash of color to your landscape

Many are planting chrysanthemums as an annual event to add a splash of color to our landscapes because many of the summer annuals are beginning ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, October 4, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Avoiding common mistakes with fescue lawns

Fall is the best time to renovate or plant cool season fescue or fescue blend lawns. It’s a narrow window to work on lawns especially ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, September 27, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder: Goldenrod is now at its peak and in full bloom

Early fall is the period when many flowers with color seem to fade. Fortunately, there is a native flower that is ablaze along our roadways ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, September 27, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Dogwood trees are now loaded with berries

Dogwood trees are well-noted for their seasonal display of showy spring blooms and fall color. However, these trees have a dual purpose of not only ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, September 20, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Fall webworms are making their presence known

In late summer, shade trees throughout the county are often covered with large, light gray, silken webs. Fall webworms enclose leaves and small branches in ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, September 13, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Sweet Autumn clematis has brilliant color

You may see a rather ornate vine coated in beautiful flowers cascading on trees and shrubs as you drive around the county. The vine is ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, September 6, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Core aerating is an important part of regular lawn maintenance

Core aerating is an important part of regular lawn maintenance, especially for renovation and maintenance of cool season fescue lawns. Core aerating penetrates the soil ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, September 6, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Lawn mushrooms are popping up

Mushrooms seem to be popping all over the county with the unending rainfall, warm temperatures and extreme humidity over the past few weeks. My breakfast ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, August 30, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Controlling crabgrass, Japanese stiltgrass

Hot weather and frequent rainfall, our now normal weather over the past few weeks, has provided perfect growing conditions for the spread and growth of ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, August 16, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Fig trees are gaining popularity in home gardens

Many homes in Rowan County have included fig trees in their plantings to supplement their fresh produce. Most plants are located in a protected area ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, August 9, 2020 12:00 am


Darrell Blackwelder column: Mosquitoes

Late-summer months mosquitoes are an extreme nuisance upon those that venture outdoors. Pop-up evening showers provide the perfect scenario for breeding through standing water. Any ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, August 9, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Taking a weed-infested yard and starting over

I spoke to a friend a couple of weeks ago and he told me that he couldn’t tell the grassy weeds from his normal grass. ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, August 2, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Lantanas full of color

Lantanas are an excellent choice of summer color for our landscapes, especially with the excessively hot weather we’ve experienced over the past few weeks. It ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, July 26, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Many plants suffer in the heat of July

Many shrubs and bedding plants are suffering in the normal hot weather of July. Homeowners are concerned about their plants, especially newly set trees shrubs ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, July 19, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Hydrangeas are in full bloom

Many are curious about shrubs blooming throughout the county garnering white, puffy blooms. Some are confused and think these profuse bloomers are some type of ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, July 19, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Problems with bedding plants

What is wrong with my bedding plants? They were beautiful when I planted them but after a few weeks they are just sitting there and ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, July 5, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder: Mud daubers build their nests in the summer

If you live anywhere near water — a lake, pond, or creek — you’re probably going to have cylinders of mud pipes from mud daubers ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, June 28, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Cow-itch vine

There is a colorful vine showing out now with colorful orange blooms across Rowan County. The trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans) is now visible along roadways, fences, ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, June 21, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Blackwelder column: Brown patch

The unseasonably cool weather and abundant rains in April and May provided perfect growing conditions for fescue. Unfortunately, once warmer temperatures arrive, so do foliar ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, June 21, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Blackwelder column: Powdery mildew is a common disease

My neighbors noticed something a little different on their shrubs this past week. There were powdery white splotches on the leaves and stems of their ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, June 14, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder: The catalpa is an unusual tree

There is a very unusual tree blooming along North Main Street in Salisbury. It has very long cascading blooms with very large leaves. This rather ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, June 7, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Most light pruning can be done year-round

By Darrell Blackwelder For the Salisbury Post Pruning is generally a major topic of conversation among home gardeners regardless of the season. Everyone seems to ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, May 31, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder: Evening primrose

There is a rather attractive flowering plant with yellow flowers growing on the side of a lawn down the street. My first thought was, “Is ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, May 31, 2020 12:00 am


Darrell Blackwelder: Chinese privet is an invasive shrub

Along the edges of woods and fencerows throughout the county you may have noticed shrubs covered with showy white blooms. Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) is ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, May 17, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Blackwelder column: It’s getting too warm for winter annuals

With summer weather arriving, pansies and other winter annuals are beginning to fail. Even though the plants may still look beautiful, it is time to ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, May 10, 2020 12:00 am

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