Darrell Blackwelder, Author at Salisbury Post - Page 9 of 18

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Blackhaw is in bloom

There are white blooms dotting the woods and outlying areas in Rowan County near the lake. From far away the small blooms resemble that of ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, April 11, 2021 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Some helpful tips as mowing season is upon us

Mowing our cool-season lawns is now one of our regular outdoor maintenance tasks. Warm spring weather is promoting rapid growth of cool season fescue. Many ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, April 11, 2021 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Leyland cypress is very susceptible to insects and disease

A few years ago, Leyland cypress was considered the perfect shrub for crowded urbanites. Unfortunately, these shrubs have become overplanted, sharing the same fate as ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, April 4, 2021 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Don’t overdo it when working in the yard

I mowed my lawn earlier this week and I paid for it the next morning. I couldn’t hardly walk I was so sore. Rainy weather ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, March 28, 2021 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Home and garden Q&A: Blooming shrubs, over-seeding fescue and spraying weeds

Even though we’ve had a taste of warm weather, it is important to remember there may be a chance of frost over the next few ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, March 21, 2021 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Yellowing of boxwoods and evergreen shrubs

Warmer and drier weather have many outdoor enthusiasts evaluating their lawns and landscapes. Lawns are starting to turn green; daffodils are blooming and flowering shrubs ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, March 14, 2021 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Trees to avoid

Without a doubt, trees are a coveted aspect of our landscape. They provide shade, flowers, fall color, food for wildlife, barriers and design concepts. But ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, March 7, 2021 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Water-logged fescue

The overabundance of rainfall this fall and winter have made our cool-season fescue lawns look pretty bad, especially those that were reseeded. Areas that were ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, February 28, 2021 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

The proper way to prune crape myrtles

In the spring as the weather changes, many are concerned about pruning crape myrtles. Hacking the tops of crape myrtles has become a common practice ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, February 28, 2021 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Moss is a problem in cool-season lawns

Moss is a serious problem in our cool-season lawns. The overabundance of cool, wet weather along with poor growing conditions such as poor drainage, low ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, February 21, 2021 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Tree bark damage

Bark damage, especially near the base of the tree, is the No. 1 killer of many trees. Repeated bumping of the trunks with lawn mowers ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, February 14, 2021 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Choosing the right lawn care service

Lawn care and landscape maintenance is now big business in Rowan County. In 1979, Rowan County had only a scattering of lawn care companies. Today, ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, February 7, 2021 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Squirrels in the attic

I had a question a few weeks ago from a person who was hearing noises in her attic. She suspected it was a squirrel and ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, February 7, 2021 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Beech trees

One day my neighbor was taking a few photos in the woods of one of his favorite trees. It was a smaller deciduous tree that ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, January 31, 2021 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Gardening goals for this year

The new year has arrived and the annual gesture of self-improvement and moderation is often a test of one’s will. Other than desire, home gardeners ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, January 17, 2021 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Selecting seeds for future plantings

Early winter is generally when gardeners receive a steady supply of seed catalogs.  With the weather we’ve had lately, seed and plant catalogs provide welcome ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, January 17, 2021 12:00 am


Darrell Blackwelder column: Reducing winter damage

Cold damage is almost certain for many outdoor plants during the uncertain weather of our upcoming winter months.  In some cases, the damage does not ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, January 10, 2021 12:00 am


Darrell Blackwelder column: Hollies provide colorful berries during the winter season

Well, it didn’t take long for the dreary days of winter to arrive along with shorter days, falling leaves and cloudy, rainy weather. It’s a ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, January 3, 2021 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder: Can you keep poinsettias for the next Christmas season?

The Christmas holiday is here and many have questions concerning their poinsettia. One of the biggest questions is if poinsettias are poisonous. It’s a myth ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, December 27, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Christmas rose

Outdoor landscape plantings are generally not a major priority during the Christmas holidays, but there is a special plant now in bloom that has an ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, December 27, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Woodpecker damage

A lady emailed me earlier this week and was upset that her favorite Japanese maple had become a victim of some woodpecker damage. The woodpecker ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, December 13, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Tips to keep poinsettias as healthy as possible

Poinsettia producers spend nearly five months producing beautiful holiday plants only to provide a few weeks of enjoyment during our Christmas holiday season. Under normal ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, December 6, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Unusual weather causing November blooms

My wife, Gerrie, and I were traveling the Smokey Mountains last week on a “pandemic getaway daytrip.” I noticed something very odd about a small ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, November 29, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Jerusalem cherry

There is a plant in our landscape that has a vast display of small, colorful fruit. It has a strange resemblance to a bushy, cherry ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, November 22, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Home and garden Q&A: Roots, weeds and shrubs

We’ve had a few days with cool mornings, but our weather seems more like early May than November. Many are working outdoors with ongoing gardening and ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, November 15, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Blackwelder column: Mowing emerging fescue

Those that have re-seeded their fescue lawns are now beginning to experience emerging turf as a result of our warm, wet fall weather. It is ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, November 15, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: Oak tree not producing acorns

A Salisbury resident emailed me last week and was concerned about his oak trees. They were doing quite well but had no acorns for the ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, November 8, 2020 12:00 am

Farm & Garden

Darrell Blackwelder column: October chores

As our outdoor temperatures fluctuate, homeowners are considering landscape and other outdoor maintenance chores. There are a number of chores home gardeners must do before ... Read more

by Darrell Blackwelder, Sunday, October 25, 2020 12:00 am

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