Leonard Pitts, Author at Salisbury Post - Page 5 of 5


Two takes on Trump: The Donald is No. 1?

He’s No. 1?! Yes, it’s an early poll and, as such, pretty near useless. Yes, Herman Cain was once No. 1, too, and we know ... Read more

by Leonard Pitts, Sunday, July 19, 2015 12:08 am


Pope to stick to religion?

“A new command I give you: love one another.” — John 13:34 So said a troubled rabbi named Jesus 2,000 years ago in his Last ... Read more

by Leonard Pitts, Thursday, July 16, 2015 12:03 am

Guest columns

Obama speech was historic

“This whole week,” said President Obama, “I’ve been reflecting on this idea of grace.” That was the turning point of Friday’s eulogy for Clementa Pinckney, ... Read more

by Leonard Pitts, Thursday, July 2, 2015 12:02 am


Leonard Pitts: In America, there is no sanctuary

The main hall of a church is called a sanctuary. It is where you go to worship, to seek fellowship and solace, and commune with ... Read more

by Leonard Pitts, Friday, June 19, 2015 4:55 pm


Leonard Pitts: Non-compete agreement for sandwich makers?

According to legend, it happened because he didn’t want to leave the gaming table. Maybe he was riding a hot streak. Whatever the reason, he ... Read more

by Leonard Pitts, Sunday, June 14, 2015 12:00 am


Leonard Pitts: Limbaugh learning he’s not normal

I am not normal. This, I learned from a news story 35 years ago. The details have faded with the passage of time, but the ... Read more

by Leonard Pitts, Sunday, June 7, 2015 12:00 am


Leonard Pitts: The end of us vs. them politics

For all the decades of its existence, American social conservatism has been rooted in a premise simple enough to be fully expressed in just three ... Read more

by Leonard Pitts, Thursday, May 28, 2015 12:00 am


Leonard Pitts: Force to make a shameful choice

Before he tried marijuana, he thought of trying suicide. Heavy drinking hadn’t helped. Nor had various pills prescribed by Veterans Affairs doctors. He was still ... Read more

by Leonard Pitts, Saturday, May 23, 2015 7:26 pm


Leonard Pitts: Police brutality can’t be fixed by African-American self-improvement

Maybe some people didn’t understand the question. It was posed in this space a few weeks ago by Tracy, a self-described 55-year-old white woman from ... Read more

by Leonard Pitts, Thursday, May 21, 2015 12:00 am


Leonard Pitts: S.C. man finds something worse than Obamacare

Luis Lang would like you to send him some money. He has taken to GoFundMe, the crowd-funding website, trying to raise $30,000. Lang, who is ... Read more

by Leonard Pitts, Sunday, May 17, 2015 12:00 am


Leonard Pitts: Violence hurts focus on Baltimore

“There comes a time when people get tired.” — Martin Luther King Jr., Dec. 5, 1955 Tracy is tired. She was tired even before Baltimore ... Read more

by Leonard Pitts, Thursday, April 30, 2015 12:00 am


Leonard Pitts: What is partisan about fact?

“Obama is a Muslim,” it said. “That is a FACT.” As best I can recall — my computer ate the email — that was how ... Read more

by Leonard Pitts, Sunday, April 26, 2015 12:00 am


Leonard Pitts: Will someone tell LaPierre ‘normal’ is gone for good?

Maybe, conservatives are done with dog whistle politics. After all, NRA chief Wayne LaPierre traded his dog whistle for an air horn at a recent ... Read more

by Leonard Pitts, Saturday, April 18, 2015 12:00 am


Leonard Pitts: ‘The Government’ is us

On Sunday, it will be 20 years since the morning a bomb destroyed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City and took 168 ... Read more

by Leonard Pitts, Wednesday, April 15, 2015 7:22 pm


Leonard Pitts: Walter Scott just another ‘isolated incident’?

“…You foolish and senseless people, who have eyes, but do not see, who have ears, but do not hear.” — Jeremiah 5:21 So here we ... Read more

by Leonard Pitts, Sunday, April 12, 2015 12:00 am


Leonard Pitts: Fortunately, the faith of force and exclusion is not the only faith

On Sunday, people all over the world will commemorate the morning an itinerant rabbi, falsely convicted and cruelly executed, stood up and walked out of ... Read more

by Leonard Pitts, Thursday, April 2, 2015 12:00 am


Leonard Pitts: Before having conversation on race, we need education on race

Am I the only person in America not making fun of Howard Schultz? The Starbucks CEO bought himself a ton of ridicule recently when he ... Read more

by Leonard Pitts, Saturday, March 28, 2015 8:51 pm


Leonard Pitts Jr.: I’ve got your back, Ashley Judd

Dear Ashley Judd: I guess this is a fan letter, though it is not written in praise of your work in movies like “Insurgent,” “Divergent” ... Read more

by Leonard Pitts, Saturday, March 21, 2015 7:51 am


Leonard Pitts: Injustice is resilient, but so are defenders of freedom

First, they sang “God Will Take Care of You.” Then they walked out of Brown Chapel to a playground where they organized themselves into 24 ... Read more

by Leonard Pitts, Thursday, March 5, 2015 12:00 am


Leonard Pitts: Jon Stewart is why I’m not crazy

I am not insane. For this, I have Jon Stewart to thank. Thirteen years ago, it felt like I was in a front row seat ... Read more

by Leonard Pitts, Saturday, February 21, 2015 8:25 pm

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