
Support Groups March 2020

Listings based on last best information received. Confirm before attending. To update your information, email Addiction — ...


AA/NA meetings in Rowan County March 2020

— Find information on more than 50 other local support groups at groups AA MEETINGS Salisbury/Rowan help ...


David Freeze: Robin and Isaac make strides in February

Different paths to similar results Robin Satterwhite, a professor at RCCC, and Isaac Miller, a Salisbury policeman, were ...


Dr. Magryta; Introducing ‘Physical Therapy with Dave’

  If you exercise regularly, ask yourself why you do so? Common answers: 1) It feels good 2) ...


Dr. Magryta: Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is best. This is a truth that is undisputed. I have been preaching this belief for as ...


David Freeze: Gotta Run

The Golden Rules of Running and what I think of them There are certain accepted truths in running ...


Local pain clinic works to combat opioid crisis among veterans

SALISBURY — In an effort to help tackle the opioid crisis, one local pain management clinic is using ...


Dr. Magryta: Coronavirus

The new and emerging coronavirus concern from Wuhan, China is not likely to play a big part in ...


David Freeze: Gotta Run

Winter Flight, 28 years ago A lot of effort goes into NC’s oldest 8K and fourth oldest race ...


Dr. Magryta: wheezing in young children

Winter is here and we are seeing an increased volume of children with viral related wheezing disorders. Bronchiolitis, ...


Dr. Magryta: Be careful with fructose

Fruit sugar, fructose, in its natural whole food form is generally safe to consume in moderate quantities. Fructose ...


David Freeze: Robin and Isaac, on the way to better health

We’re back at it again! After Teri’s wonderful success in 2019, my hope is that you’ll soon see ...


Dr. Magryta: Measles will erase some immune memory

As measles cases continue to climb worldwide, a group out of the Netherlands has shown that the measles ...


David Freeze: Gotta Run

Sunday’s Winter Flight sponsors and runners help homeless My favorite event of the year happens on Sunday afternoon. ...


Dr. Magryta: Is snacking ok?

Is snacking a good idea? The simple answer is NO! There are many reasons why. Snacking is the ...


‘You don’t think you’re going to get older, but you do’

Weighing the merits of aging in place vs. a community By Susan Shinn Turner for the Salisbury Post ...


David Freeze: Gotta’ Run

Once a Warrior, always a Warrior! I can’t begin to remember the first time I met Kevin and ...


Dr. Magryta: back to sleep

Sudden infant death syndrome, SIDS, is a sad and serious disease that we still know very little about. ...


Teri Shaw closes out her 2019 in style

By David Freeze for the Salisbury Post On New Year’s Day, Teri Shaw had two goals. The first ...


Dr. Magryta: Forces affect immune function, baby food safety

Avoid endocrine disrupting chemicals If you have an allergic phenotype — a tendency toward allergic diseases like allergic ...


Support Groups January 2020

Listings based on last best information received. Confirm before attending. To update your information, email Addiction — ...


AA/NA meetings in Rowan County January 2020

— Find information on more than 50 other local support groups at groups AA MEETINGS Salisbury/Rowan help ...


Dr. Magryta: An open letter to parents and patients

Over the years, I have noted with dismay some statements people make related to doctors and care providers. ...


David Freeze: Gotta Run

A meaningful New Year’s resolution   It’s that time of year again. Time to decide what resolutions you ...


‘Being at home’: Wallace Cancer Institute to be a one-stop shop for cancer treatment

By Liz Moomey SALISBURY — This summer, cancer treatment all will be under one roof at Wallace ...


David Freeze: Gotta Run

I’ll be glad to get that Peloton The most unusual “outrage” came last week over a stationary bicycle ...


Dr. Magryta: Thoughts on two topics

Forming habits How do we change when making a conscious significant decision is difficult? The answer really lies ...


Dr. Magryta: What did we learn in 2019?

This is the year end edition of our newsletter, marking nine years of writing and somewhere around 934 ...

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