
Doug Creamer: God in everyday activities

  It’s not a very exciting day at my house today. I am busy doing the ordinary things ...


Dr. Magryta: back to sleep

Sudden infant death syndrome, SIDS, is a sad and serious disease that we still know very little about. ...


Roger Barbee: Resolutions

At this time of the year, I cringe a great deal. I cringe at the Christmas cards consisting ...


Mac Williams: After-Christmas traces

  In keeping with the Church calendar, this column piece comes out one day before Epiphany (Monday, Jan. ...


Dr. Magryta: Forces affect immune function, baby food safety

Avoid endocrine disrupting chemicals If you have an allergic phenotype — a tendency toward allergic diseases like allergic ...


Daniel Lancaster: Rowan offers family fun

The dawn of a new year brings excitement for change, growth and a renewed mind and body. Many ...


Ann Farabee: My Buddy

     The morning brought a beautiful surprise – snow covered ground. Our view through the front ...


Kent Bernhardt: The forgotten virtue

  Now that we’ve set sail into another fresh year and already broken several New Year’s resolutions, perhaps ...


Doug Creamer: You’re in the family

  I’ve been married for over thirty years. We have visited my in-laws numerous times over the years ...


Dr. Henry Waiters: Unasked, unappreciated questions

Wisdom dictates agreement with Arthur W. Pink that some of the vital questions that should be raised today ...


Mack Williams: Seasonal wedding

  At Easter, my daughter Rachel and her friend Richard announced their engagement, the marriage ceremony to be ...


Start your gardening year off right

It’s that time of year when we make resolutions for the upcoming year. Below are a few gardening ...


Dr. Magryta: An open letter to parents and patients

Over the years, I have noted with dismay some statements people make related to doctors and care providers. ...


Ann Farabee: Our Father

   The first graders shut their eyes, folded their hands prayerfully, and began to pray, “Our Father, ...


David Freeze: Gotta Run

A meaningful New Year’s resolution   It’s that time of year again. Time to decide what resolutions you ...


Doug Creamer: A brand new decade

  We only have a few more days left in this year. It is hard to believe that ...


Paul Jenkins: A Macedonian Miracle

ALBEMARLE —Sometimes, miracles happen all around us. We just have to know where to look for them. On ...


David Freeze: Gotta Run

I’ll be glad to get that Peloton The most unusual “outrage” came last week over a stationary bicycle ...


Darrell Blackwelder: Last minute gifts for the gardener

Last minute Christmas shopping for the avid or even beginning gardener can be a challenge, especially for those ...


Mack Williams: A gate to Christmas past

The gate to memories of Christmas past, not long past, but my past (somewhat further past than it ...


Dr. Magryta: Thoughts on two topics

Forming habits How do we change when making a conscious significant decision is difficult? The answer really lies ...


Roger Barbee: An orange with peppermint

This morning my brother and I were talking on the telephone. Like siblings who live far apart, we ...


Doug Creamer: Merry Christmas

Most of you know that I am retired. I figured that since I was retired, Christmas decorating and ...


Ann Farabee: Along the road

   His struggle with addiction was real. The pain associated with his life choices were pounding and ...


Mack Williams: Electric Blue

The other night, I drove by Christmas yard decorations all decked in red and green bulbs, like the ...


Lynna Clark: This Season

  Currently we have three local grandchildren, all seven years old. I had the bright idea to host ...


Dr. Magryta: What did we learn in 2019?

This is the year end edition of our newsletter, marking nine years of writing and somewhere around 934 ...


Doug Creamer: Keeping secrets

It is that time of year for secrets. Boxes arrive and you are not allowed to open them ...

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