
Doug Creamer: Happy Spring

             I think it might be safe to finally wish you a happy spr…ACHOOO…spring! I have seen forsythia, ...


Ann Farabee: Is it real?

 Perhaps I should have been suspicious when my 10 year old son and his best friend were ...


A lovely bloom, whether accidental or on purpose

Along with the normal springtime blooming flowers, there are masses of small, bright, colorful flowers spotted in the ...


Kent Bernhardt: Out of step

“Do you ever feel like the world is a tuxedo, and you are a pair of brown shoes?”— ...


Mack Williams: Each street a ‘city’

Some days I ride down a city street some wouldn’t call “wholesome,” as it features a little store ...


Felecia Wesley: A bumper crop blessing

The first time I heard the phrase “bumper crop” was three years ago as I was reading the ...


Roger Barbee: Thomas and the lesson of the pine trees

  When the weather reporter announced a wind advisory, he also warned that trees might topple because roots ...


Ann Farabee: Adjust my attitude

   My slightly older sister has been quite the role model for me. Those were some big ...


Doug Creamer: The Wisdom of DECA

            I went to my last State DECA Competition as a teacher last week. DECA is an organization ...


Kate Forrest: Seasons of Salisbury: March

Kate Forrest   March 12: The sweet smell of fresh-cut grass filters through the air as my husband ...


Toi Degree: Find your perfect app for spring cleaning

By Toi Degree Rowan Cooperative Extension Spring arrived Wednesday, according to the calendar. I’m sure spring temperatures are ...


Danelle Cutting: Prepare for Hurley Park’s annual Spring Celebration

By Danelle Cutting For the Salisbury Post Spring is on its way and I, for one, am ready ...


Mack Williams: Evening silhouette reverie

  Just the other night, I arrived at the home of my son for a visit, but they ...


An aggressive lawn invader

With all the rain and warmer temperatures many have beautiful, green lawns. Unfortunately, there is a weedy grass ...


David Freeze: Gotta Run

Lorie Miller succeeds on a huge goal Last fall, we were timing the St. Matthews 5K when Lorie ...


Lynna Clark: Praying Psalm 23

Lord, You are MY Shepherd. I have every single thing I need, and plenty besides! You allow me ...


Ann Farabee: Wasting time?

   Everyone in my 6th grade class was working diligently on an assignment, except for one student. ...


Doug Creamer: Taking care of our temple

            The weather is beginning to change. Many trees are blooming. Even though we haven’t seen Mr. Sunshine ...


Dr. Magryta: Asthma, allergies and nutrition, part 2

What is now evolving rapidly is the scientific understanding that beyond the early life risk factors for immune ...


Mack Williams: Minister-runner-singer, passed

Recently, a member of our choir at Danville’s First Presbyterian Church passed away. He hadn’t been with us ...


Ann Farabee: Beauty for ashes

   I did not even want to go. I was enduring one of the darkest periods in ...


Doug Creamer: Where do we grow?

            Last fall, when all the winter forecasts started to post on the internet, everyone said it was ...


Lynna Clark: Ain’t no sunshine

Our firstborn lives in the Midwest. We visited by phone this morning on her way to get groceries. ...


Dr. Magryta: Asthma, allergies and nutrition, part 1

This article is, at points, quite technical, however the gist is to provide a roadmap to health for ...


Mack Williams: Angela and Jim’s wedding

On February 17th, I sang at the 7 p.m. wedding of Jim and Angela, whom I mentioned in ...


Peggy Barnhardt: Inattention blindness — do you have it?

Why don’t you ever lose stuff you don’t want? Maybe because it would go without notice? You wouldn’t ...


David Freeze: Teri and Philip -Off to a fast start with high expectations

The first two months are in the books and I am impressed by the effort of both Teri ...


David Freeze: Gotta Run

Salisbury’s top female triathlete talks pregnancy I can’t remember the first time that I met Delaine Fowler but ...

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