
Mack Williams: Tsunami from the sky

Recently, there was one week of almost solid rain (but still liquid). There seemed to be no gradual ...


David Freeze: Gotta Run

How Steve Shive became a runner and why it might be good for you. Every single runner has ...


Ann Farabee: Believe

 It was one of those moments in time that I still remember clearly. As my doctor and ...


Dr. Magryta: Sunshine on my shoulders

The United States Preventative Services Task Force publishes recommendations frequently on various topics that affect Americans. This year ...


Lynna Clark: All hands on deck

My daddy is a great story teller. In honor of his 85th birthday, I’m retelling one of his. ...


Doug Creamer: Good times

            I believe we are off to a good school year. On the first day of school, I ...


Peggy Barnhardt: Free college for 65+ seniors

Kudos to Rowan County educators for the innovative move to improve our public school system, raising student proficiency ...


Dr. Magryta: Two things to think about

Obesity epidemic We need new ways of dealing with the obesity epidemic, says David Katz, professor of preventative ...


Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

Your partner just opened with a 3 or 4 weak bid. Now what do you do? You know ...


Mack Williams: Angel of memory

In today’s column, I deal with just my own personal history with the statue called “Fame” on West ...


Cascading blooms, intoxicating scent

You may see a rather ornate vine coated in beautiful flowers cascading on trees and shrubs as you ...


Ann Farabee: Who’s your teacher?

 A new school year. Back to busier lives. Back to earlier bedtimes. Back to the books. (Schools ...


Doug Creamer: School is opening

Even though the calendar says summer, fall has arrived for teachers and students. Across the area, teachers have ...


David Freeze: Gotta Run

September happenings worth checking out I don’t normally focus exclusively on upcoming events. But September is full of ...


Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

Planning After the excitement of bidding is over and a contract reached, with opening lead made, take a ...


Peggy Barnhardt: Brain freeze

While working as a bank teller, needless to say, I came into contact with people from all walks ...


Dr. Magryta: Circadian rhythms and gene expression

Circadian clock or rhythm: a 24-hour-based daily cycle of biological activity influenced by external factors like the rising ...


‘Used to know a girl… she’d go out to pick a mess of it’

If you have lived in the south for any amount of time you have experienced one of our ...


Mack Williams: ‘Deals’ at tradition’s end

At lunch the other day with my friend Rita, she mentioned that Danville Mall’s Sears store was going ...


Felecia Wesley: God often uses ‘chance encounters’

No way are you driving back to Salisbury tonight! The lady said to me in total astonishment as ...


Doug Creamer: Our words have power

            I know I must have written about this topic at some point, but it seems to be ...


Lynna Clark: Misunderstood

Have you ever been misunderstood? It happens. Our oldest daughter Stephanie is one of the nicest people you’d ...


Ann Farabee: Wrong place?

   Ann Farabee In the middle of a lesson with my 5th graders, there was a tap ...


Local Bridge with Myrnie Mclaughlin

More about NT Recently a question came up regarding acceptable responses to a 1NT opener by partner. Many ...


Mack Williams: A proper tea

Tea sets and tea parties were always part of a little girl’s life. I’ve seen miniature tea sets ...


Peggy Barnhardt: Foul

When did four-letter words slither out of their darksome category of offensive expression and gain entry into acceptable ...


Dr. Magryta: The first two thousand days for your new love, part 7

Stress, chemicals and the epigenome – what to do? It is clear to me that stress will never ...


Doug Creamer: Serving where He has us

We’ve been trying to clean out closets and go through our stuff this summer. Where did it all ...

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