
David Freeze: Gotta Run: remembering Ed Dupree

Remembering a legend Ed Dupree wouldn’t have considered himself a legend. I did. He had a vast knowledge ...


Lynna Clark: Similar yet different

I love the beach, especially during off-season. My autumn love affair began when our daughters were young. David’s ...


Doug Creamer: It’s beginning to look…

I went to pick up our dinner last Saturday night and saw some Christmas trees up and decorated. ...


Dr. Magryta: Focusing on strengths, challenging weaknesses

I often wonder what is the best way to help a child rise above an impediment in learning or ...


Mack Williams: Mist-to-clear

The day began with a gray and steady morning mist (different from the detective story’s “Dark and stormy ...


Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

Super pre-empts This article is paraphrased from the Larry Cohen lesson in the November 2017 Bridge Bulletin. He ...


Kent Bernhardt: So, you want to be a teen again?

The other day, I heard a friend of mine wish aloud they could return to their teen years. ...


Lynna Clark: I’m so thankful

September 29, 2016 was my last big chemo treatment… the kind that makes a person instantly old. After ...


Doug Creamer: Happy Thanksgiving

Is it really time for Thanksgiving? I am not sure if I am ready for what comes after ...


Ann Farabee: The harvest

Several years ago, Mr. Farabee decided it was time for a garden. I tagged along to watch and ...


Mack Williams: Re-imagine-made

The other day, I decided to check out a new restaurant in Danville, a neat little bistro called ...


Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

Bidding hints The ACBL Bulletin holds a wealth of information for duplicate players. This article’s ideas come from ...


Dr. Magryta: Skin care

Skin care is an oft forgotten simple way to help your immune system repel invaders. Since the nasty ...


Susan Shinn Turner: Flower power

My daddy and I planted daffodil bulbs Friday — a pretty slick trick since we now live two ...


Angela Smith: Is church playin’ out?

What?? What did she just say? Hold up; Let me explain. This post is primarily to leaders in ...


Doug Creamer: Happy Veterans Day

I grew up in Virginia Beach where there were lots of military families. If you or a family member ...


David Freeze: Gotta Run

Motivating the indoor-play generation to run We’ve all heard for years that our generation loved to play outdoors ...


Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

Celebrate bridge With the advent of video games and technology came the slow decline of interpersonal games and ...


Mack Williams: Triangle

Back in the early 1960s, my brother Joe and I took an all-day trip on Southern Railway’s passenger ...


Lynna Clark: Mama’s house

We lost her last May. Our lives will never be the same. She fiercely loved her family, her ...


Dr. Chris Magryta: Antibiotic resistance

This is a continually evolving problem for all of us. Historically, significant antibiotic resistance was confined primarily to ...


David Freeze: Brooke and Michelle take different routes in October

Brooke Taylor and Michelle Patterson set goals at the beginning of October. My outlook toward their October success ...


Doug Creamer: Living Life

            The Thomasville Rotary Club offers high school and community college students an opportunity to shadow a professional ...


Ann Farabee: Distracted?

Visiting a huge indoor waterpark can be a child’s dream vacation! Having attained ‘super parent’ status, I allowed ...


Dr. Henry B. Waiters: What should we see when we assemble?

What we should see when we assemble should be unlike anything we could see elsewhere. We should see ...


Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

This week we are experiencing a decrease in attendance due to our players taking advantage of the Charlotte ...


Mack Williams: The onset of heat (man-made)

One aspect of Hurricane Irma was its causing a drop in temperature which gave a brief preview of ...


Kent Bernhardt: Halloween through the years

The history of Halloween dates back about two thousand years to the part of the world that is ...

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