
Doug Creamer: Fulfilling Our Call

            Last weekend my wife and I made our annual trek up to Asheville for the Southern Highlands ...


Lynna Clark: A new season

Don’t you love the turning of one season to another? Currently our fridge holds watermelon on one shelf ...


Dr. Magryta: Allergy season and school – what’s your plan?

The goal for parents and educators is to limit missed or unproductive school days due to asthma and ...


Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

May the forcing be with you As with any of the tips I’ve been writing, all of them ...


David Freeze: Gotta Run

More on a life of running I  wrote a couple of weeks ago about running and racing and the ...


Doug Creamer: Baptized

            We had three people get baptized at church last week. The pastor talked ...


Lynn Harrington: Small group prayer

I have recently felt led by God to open up my home to prayer. Iris Matthews and I are ...


David Freeze: Brooke keeps rolling as Michelle Patterson returns

When last we visited, Brooke was going strong and Vivian was on the disabled list. Those things stayed ...


Kent Bernhardt: Like a fine wine

This morning, I got out of bed and headed straight to the bathroom, which is my normal routine. ...


Dr. Magryta: Influenza

Influenza season is starting in the United States. Last year’s flu season was particularly rough in North Carolina. ...


Mack Williams: The missing Widget

This “Widget” is not an inanimate thing, but a female, gray-brown tabby with an unusual orange marking on ...


Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

Jumping Jumping can be dangerous in life and in bridge. Don’t fall so in love with your hand ...


Doug Creamer: An East homecoming

            I teach at East Davidson and we are in the heart of a good football season. High ...


Anthony Layman: Leading by faith

It’s hard to have faith. Faith requires us to have confidence and conviction in our actions, without proof ...


Ann Farabee: Feel like a no-name?

I had been invited to speak at a convention to approximately 300 people in what I would call a ...


Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

Observations We now have many people at our games new to formal duplicate bridge play. I have purposefully ...


Mack Williams: Some entertainment

Just the other day, I was with my son Jeremy and his employer. I was wearing a “repro” ...


David Freeze: Gotta Run

It’s all relative I have thought of covering what I consider an important subject for several months now. On ...


Wendy John: An Ode to Salisbury

Knowing that you are going to die can be a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, ...


Doug Creamer: Are you ready?

            Please don’t be jealous, but we are enjoying some late-season tomatoes. Many gardeners have cleaned out their ...


Dr. Henry B. Waiters: What preachers have become

During the Classical period of Ancient Greece, the Sophists (a class of teachers of rhetoric, philosophy and the ...


Lynna Clark: Happy life

HAPPY LIFE Okay so we got new phones. What kind you ask? Ummm… it’s black… and slippery… and ...


Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

Everything’s bigger in Texas After partner opens 1NT and you have a 6 card major with more than ...


Mack Williams: Puff-fluff flight

I first need to call the reader’s attention to something in last week’s column, “Cow Pastures, Comets, and Car ...


Dr. Magryta: Water and staying hydrated

There is so much controversy surrounding this topic ever since Gatorade was pushed onto the market in the ...


Barbara Garwood: A Caregiver’s Life

Elderspeak: I don’t think so, Sweetie! We sometimes think of it as a Southern thing. Right, sweetie? (or ...


Linda Beck: Where’s the good in that?

Since the multiple sclerosis exacerbation and two hospital stays in July, I wrote a story about Romans 8:28: ...


Ann Farabaee: It’s a secret

Shhh….. it’s a secret. Secrets are meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others. I admit that ...

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