
Dr. Magryta: Year 6 Wrap up

Six years have passed and one constant remains: medicine continues to change. When I first started the newsletter, ...


Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

Our Dec. 16 Evergreen game was well attended. We had oodles of food to enjoy as everyone brought ...


Mack Williams: Salvation Army Christmas Visit

My son Jeremy was decorating bushes for Christmas a few weeks ago and thought about checking the Salvation ...


Kent Bernhardt: A Few Things Santa Forgot

  “My stocking was hung by the chimney with care.  But in spite of my wishes, it looks ...


Ann Farabee: Whoa! Lo! Go!

Don’t know the meaning of whoa-lo-go? ‘Farabee’s Dictionary’ can help: WHOA – means STOP! LO – means LOOK! ...


Doug Creamer: Christmas 2016

Christmas is almost here. Hopefully the shopping and the cooking are almost done. My tradition for most of ...


Lynna Clark: A Christmas Miracle

One summer at a family picnic a beloved nephew commented that he likes those tall Tupperware salt and ...


David Freeze: Gotta run

Something Free Brings Big Dividends One of my favorite things to do involves introducing new runners to all ...


A tribute to ‘Mr. Lefty,’ the friend who conquered the octopus in our basement

By Bruce Greenland For the Salisbury Post The time period between the Thanksgiving holiday and Christmas has become ...


Barbara Garwood: A Caregiver’s Life

The Emotional Balance Sheet It shouldn’t be a surprise because it happens every year, but somehow I find ...


Mack Williams: Love Feast

I recently performed “O Holy Night” during a Moravian-style Love Feast held at a Methodist church here in ...


Dr. Magryta: Gluten, part 1

Part I Have you ever wondered what the deal is with the gluten free craze? Everywhere you go ...


Local bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

Holiday Play It is time to make plans for the New Year’s Regional in Charleston S.C. beginning Dec. ...


Ann Farabee: My wish

My wish… I wish you a Merry Christmas I wish you a Merry Christmas I wish you a ...


Lynna Clark: His beautiful Son

His Beautiful Son When our daughter Stephanie was dating her husband Jeff, she made him a batch of ...


(12-24) Doug Creamer: A Season to Help Others

A Season to Help Others The Christmas lights are beaming from many homes around the area. I like ...


Jeff Long: Regarding dependence

Today I would like to talk about the way we have “groomed” ourselves to become dependent on family ...


David Freeze: Jennifer and Michelle hitting the home stretch

When last we joined you, Jennifer Payne and Michelle Patterson had a good challenge ahead of them. Both ...


Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

Christmas bridge Our Salisbury Bridge party was held on Dec. 7 at the Livingstone College facility at the ...


Mack Williams: John Glenn, my mother, and me

This column originally appeared in the Salisbury Post in 2014 and is being reprinted in memory of the ...


Kent Bernhardt: The Christmas prayer

Studies tell us that the greatest fear known to most Americans is – (Drum Roll) – Public Speaking. ...


Lynna Clark: My head is cold!

My Head is Cold! I think I need a new hat. My head is cold. With the recent ...


Carol Hallman: Let us bring light

Last Saturday I attended the North Pole Breakfast for the Teen Parent Program sponsored by Families First prior ...


Jeff Long: Holiday gatherings

During the holiday season we find that the true reasons for the celebrations are put on the back ...


Barrie Kirby: Joy in Mudville and other unlikely places

Ernest L. Thayer’s poem “Casey at the Bat” is the tale of a baseball game in a town ...


(12-10) Doug Creamer: Prepared for challenges

I took my DECA students to the district competition last week. Our competition was in downtown Winston-Salem. I ...


Dr. Magryta: Asthma and Allergies

If you suffer from one of these two chronic illnesses, then you know how annoying it is to ...


Mack Williams: polar express Prequel

Not long ago, the prequel arrived for the polar express. This “prequel” is more correctly  a “prelude,” nothing ...

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