
Ann Farabee: Are you in prison?

A message I received kind of rocked my thinking — and opened my eyes. A young man that has ...


Dr. Chris Magryta: And now for a mini-course in micronutrients — Magnesium

I  have decided to write a weekly mineral and vitamin tutorial. The children that I see in clinic are ...


Lynna Clark: Roasting o’er an unlit fire

So what’s the deal with all the humidity? Nobody dreams of a damp Christmas… or a sticky New ...


Mack Williams column: Glitter

I never want to let Christmas go, doing mental figuring as to which of its “twelve days” is ...


Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

I hope you all had a safe and healthy New Year’s celebration and wish you a great 2016. We ...


Gotta Run: Resolution options, Winter Flight and injury recovery

After another successful Resolution 5K on Friday, it’s time to move forward into 2016. For those of you ...


Doug Creamer: A fresh start

Some of my readers will be reading my column on New Year’s Eve while others will be reading ...


Jeff Long: Jealousy

I would like to discuss a trait that I believe is the root of all evil; jealousy. This ...


Mack Williams: A Christmas tree forest

You’ve heard of jokes about “well-seasoned” persons’ birthday cakes being a fire hazard. I tell you now the ...


Gotta Run: Ed Dupree keeps streaking, and last call for Resolution 5K

With just a few days left in 2015, many of us are compiling the final list of resolutions ...


Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

Irregularities in play Lately there have been several unusual occurrences during play. The first occurred when bidding was ...


Linda Beck: The Nativity Scene

I  wanted to write about Christmas, but I’ve written about my own childhood Christmases and “The Purpose of Christmas” ...


Ann Farabee: What do these stones mean?

What do these stones mean? Glad you asked. Keep reading: • Get Up And Go. Joshua rose early. ...


Wayne Hinshaw column: Christmas spirit?

This week while shopping for a few Christmas gifts, I found myself standing in a long line at ...


The Star of Bethlehem: What was it?

By Jack Howard Special to The Salisbury Post Every year at Christmas time, Christians around the world celebrate ...


Mack Williams: Something ‘different’ at Christmas

I recently heard the song “Somewhere in My Memory” from the Christmas movie “Home Alone” (1990). When my ...


Gotta Run: Resolution 5K update (walkers invited) and training to get faster

The recent warm weather has many people setting the cold weather running gear aside. I even heard the ...


Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

Holiday Bridge schedule We will have bridge games at the Women’s Club on Tuesday, Dec. 22 and Dec. ...


Lynna Clark: Beautiful Joes

What could he do? It came down to a couple different options. He could break their engagement and ...


Barrie Kirby: Saying ‘yes’ to life

The angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And ...


Gotta Run: Resolution 5K and the ‘queen’ of Rowan runners

Racing has wound down for the rest of December in Rowan County. The next event locally is the ...


Kent Bernhardt: O Christmas Tree

A recent Pew Survey revealed that eight out of ten Americans will put up a Christmas tree this ...


Katie Garner column: Gifts you can give — or be — to anyone

This Christmas season let us remember that a “gift” doesn’t have to be a material thing … there ...


Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

Bridge Club Christmas Livingstone Hospitality School was the site for our Dec. 3 Salisbury Bridge Clubs Christmas Party. ...


Mack Williams: Wings winding down

The “wings” in this title refers to the seasonal “sleep” of a butterfly garden, not any increasing dearth ...


Lynna Clark: Peace on Earth

She sang her little heart out holding each note longer than necessary. I wasn’t sure what she was ...


Linda Beck: Carrots and eggs

    One day I called and asked “the other Linda” if she could draw me a carrot, ...


Mack Williams: Senior trips

Looking through Goodwill’s books the other day, the spine of one looked “chocolaty,” the very color of a ...

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