
Yesterday: Officials break open the sake to celebrate Hitachi Metals

The official dedication for the $40 million Hitachi Metals North Carolina Ltd. plant in China Grove was held ...


Yesterday: a short-lived semipro team from China Grove, circa 1935

Not much is known of this baseball team pictured above, the China Grove Chinamen, except maybe it’s politically ...


Yesterday: The Landis Little Firemen’s baseball team in 1960

These boys are long grown, but it’s a good chance folks in southern Rowan County still know members ...


Yesterday: The 1949 Landis Spinners

Dr. Randy Lassiter of China Grove provided this copy of a photograph of the 1949 Landis Spinners, a ...


Yesterday: Landis baseball stars of 1912-14

Dr. Randy Lassiter provided this old photograph (from a newspaper clipping) of a group of Landis baseball players, ...


Yesterday: Granite Quarry School in the late 1950s

Joe Williams of Faith provided this aerial photograph of Granite Quarry School from the late 1950s. Behind the ...


Yesterday: In 1981, work progresses on Dan Nicholas Park’s outdoor theater

In this photograph published in the Salisbury Evening Post June 6, 1981, carpenters work on building the shell ...


Yesterday: When Air Force One did its Faith Fourth flyover

This past week’s death of former first lady Barbara Bush brought back many memories for Rowan Countians who ...

Gold Hill

Yesterday: The File Store in December 1974

This December 1974 photograph from the Salisbury Post library shows the File Store, which once stood along Bringle Ferry ...


Yesterday: Baseball great Mickey Mantle tours Apple Baking in Salisbury

In this photograph from April 1986, the late Baseball Hall of Famer Mickey Mantle, right, gets an inside ...


Yesterday: An April 1953 visit from President Eisenhower

Roughly 10,000 people packed into Catawba College’s Shuford Stadium on April 16, 1953, to take in the visit ...


Yesterday: In 1981, a lonely walk under Shober Bridge

This Salisbury Post file photo, published on June 3, 1981, shows a woman making a lonely walk on ...


Yesterday: Catawba College Band in 1959

This is a photograph of the Catawba College Band in 1959. Joe Williams of Faith who provided this ...

Granite Quarry

Yesterday: Granite Quarry High band scores big in Greensboro

Joe Williams of Faith provided this 1956 photo of Granite Quarry High School band director Lou Bean hoisted ...


Yesterday: When Sears was on North Main Street

You could call this a ‘Yesterday Classic,’ because this photograph ran previously as a ‘Yesterday’ some 20 years ...


Yesterday: In 1974, Enochville residents urge repeal of town charter

In this Salisbury Post file photo from May 5, 1974, residents of Enochville hold a parade of sorts ...


Yesterday: A flower wreath for FDR’s train

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt died April 12, 1945. The train carrying his body from Warm Springs, Ga., to ...


Yesterday: Military Avenue, leading to the National Cemetery

Donna Poteat recently found this picture of how Military Avenue leading into the Salisbury National Cemetery once looked. ...


Yesterday: Hefner campaigns in New London in 1984

In this photograph from October 1984, U.S. Rep. William G. ‘Bill’ Hefner, D-N.C., talks to his campaign supporters outside ...


Yesterday: ‘E’ pins go to Rowan Cotton Mills employees

William L. Vincent, left, and Don C. Simmons were the two Rowan Cotton Mills employees chosen the high ...


Yesterday: During World War II, she was a ‘WASP’

A little-known group of about 1,000 women served as pilots during World War II. Eleanor Thompson Wortz, pictured ...


Yesterday: A 1927 newspaper ad for Sidney Blackmer movie

Mike Cline of Salisbury provided this reproduction of a Salisbury Post advertisement from Jan. 19, 1927, about the ...


Yesterday: Skinnay Ennis’ voice, bands kindled many fires

When Salisbury native Edgar Clyde ‘Skinnay’ Ennis collapsed and died in June 1963 at a Beverly Hills restaurant, he ...


Yesterday: Bell Tower renovations in 1993

Brave Salisburians gathered in the cold Sunday night to welcome in 2018 at one of Salisbury’s iconic landmarks, the Bell ...


Yesterday: Leading Kiwanians, including international president, rally here in 1945

In this Salisbury Evening Post photo, taken Jan. 31, 1945, five leading Kiwanians were among those attending a ...


Yesterday: Salisbury’s downtown Christmas lights in 1963

For years, a sure sign of Christmas for Salisburians was the display of Main and Innes street lights ...


Yesterday: The Salisbury Post shows off its renovated digs Sept. 17, 1989

A lengthy line formed outside the newly renovated headquarters of the Salisbury Post on Sept. 17, 1989, a ...


Yesterday: Remembering Eugene McCombs

In this photograph from the Salisbury Post files, N.C. Rep. Eugene McCombs walks toward the Legislative Building in ...

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