
Clyde, Time Was: Going barefoot was a warm-weather must

Time was, you could go barefoot the first of May. With 20 billion shoes a year produced in ...


Time Was: People did crazy things and still do

Time was, we knew crazy people, or thought we did. One bubble from plumb, one brick shy of ...


Clyde, Time Was: People got pickled

Time was, people were bad to take a drink. Until they got tight, soused, tanked, pie-eyed, hammered, toe-down, ...


Clyde: Time was: Deadlines meant what they said

Time was, we had clotheslines and deadlines. Maybe the clothesline was strung between two trees, or a fancy, ...


Clyde, Time Was: A penny saved is becoming a rare thing

Time was, a penny was worth something. And if you saved enough, together with a few empty drink ...


Clyde: Time Was: It was OK to cry a little

Time was, it was OK to cry a little. Not your cry wolf or cry havoc to sound ...


Clyde, Time Was: When there were consequences

Time was, we had hoodlums around. They were sure to “git ju” if you got gone or wandered ...


Clyde, Time was: We jumped into mud puddles with both feet

Time was, we had mud puddles. Big ones, too big to drive through, so you had to go ...


Clyde, Time Was: Hear that train whistle in the distance?

Time was, you could hear train whistles. You could hear trains that were turning around at the wye, ...


Clyde, Time Was: Be thankful for work and people who labor

“So built we the wall … for the people had a mind to work.” — Nehemiah 4:6 Time ...


Clyde’s Time Was: Of cowboys and Indians

Time was, we played cowboys and Indians. For hours on end, on Saturday mornings with black-and-white TV and ...


Clyde, Time Was: Do people put their heart into decor anymore?

Time was we liked to decorate. Just after taking down the last Christmas bow, it’s time to redecorate. ...


Clyde, Time Was: History might just repeat itself in a park

Time was we had a town common. Once upon a time, there was a place right in the ...


Clyde, Time was: We used more care and creativity

Time was, we got things right in the first place. No need to go back and fix it, ...


Clyde, Time Was: Etch something beautiful in your memory

Time was, we had to memorize. Not just the obligatory “Now I lay me,” but serious, heavy stuff ...


Clyde, Time Was: Listen carefully for the sounds of silence

Time was, we knew when to be quiet. Why is it so hard to find solitude? Can you ...


Clyde, Time Was: Take this timely advice for the new year

Time present and time past Are both perhaps present in time future And time future contained in time ...


Clyde, Time Was: The most famous interloper of all

Now Christmas is come, Let us beat up the drum, And call all our neighbors together, And when ...


Clyde, Time Was: Less is best when you choose gifts & deck the halls

Time was, we got just one toy for Christmas. Then the list got longer — ours, not Santa’s. ...


Clyde, Time Was: There’s an art to building a good fire

Time was, we fired up the wood stove. After sitting there all summer in the way, it suddenly ...


Clyde, Time Was: A newspaper to have and to hold

Time was we all took the paper. We couldn’t wait for it to come. Who could get it ...


Clyde, Time Was: Topping my list of frustrations — lids

Time was, we could open lids. We do it everyday, screw with lids. We can do Rubik’s Cube ...


Clyde, Time Was: Of waste, waists and Thanksgivings gone by

Time was, we all sat down in the chairs around a table for Turkey dinner. Everyone had their ...


Clyde, Time Was: Surround yourself with exquisite pieces

Time was, we loved to buy antiques. Not to use, just to collect a few old flat irons ...


Clyde, Time Was: Try this alphabet soup

Time was, we did not abbreviate. Well, sometimes maybe the obligatory FBI, PTA or USA, notwithstanding the everyday ...


Clyde, Time Was: An All Hallow’s Eve tale

“This is the place, stand still my steed, and let me survey the scene and summon from the ...


Clyde, Time Was: Thing you ‘had to have’ could wind up in a yard sale

Time was, they gave us Green Stamps. With every purchase came a reward. But you had to work ...


Clyde, Time Was: We could take a lesson from stalwart Lutherans

Time was, there were Lutherans every which-a-way you turned. They came out on Wednesdays with Pyrex covered dishes ...

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