
Ada Fisher: Policy changes could help handicapped

By Ada Fisher The life of the late Senator Robert “Bob” Joseph Dole is a poignant reminder of ...


Byron York: Demolishing Democratic delusions

Sen. Joe Manchin’s announcement that he will not support the Democrats’ giant spending bill should not have been ...


Steven V. Roberts: ‘This battle is not over’

“This battle is not over,” President Biden vowed at South Carolina State University. He was not speaking about ...


Kathryn Lopez: U.S. throws Nigerian Christians to the wolves

Imagine knowing that the very act of going to a religious service would likely result in violence and ...


Alexander Jones: Toxic masculinity and the new right

North Carolina Congressional candidate Bo Hines released a campaign video flaunting his physicality. The piece showed him vigorously ...


John Hood: Got to pick a pocket?

By John Hood Did Fagin’s pickpockets stimulate the economy of London? ‘Tis the season to reference a different ...


Sharon Randall: Christmas all year ’round

By Sharon Randall This story takes place around Christmas, but it tells a truth that is true all ...


My Turn, Amanda Przybyszewski: Cheers for North Rowan cheerleaders

By Amanda Przybyszewski On Dec. 2, I volunteered to work the concession stand while my son and the ...

My Turn

My Turn, Bill Bucher: What is a patriot? Those who love country more than themselves

By Bill Bucher For many of us who remember a loved one who came of age during the ...

My Turn

My Turn, Jennifer Hudson: Pandemic takes toll on children’s health

By Jennifer Hudson The pandemic has taken its toll on children in our community.  I have been a ...


Cal Thomas: Restraint and the tornado tragedy

Some politicians and government officials can’t let a crisis go to waste. In the matter of the tornadoes ...


Steven V. Roberts: Martinez is the new Martinelli

Martinez is the new Martinelli. That’s another way of making a critical political point: Hispanic voters increasingly resemble ...


Byron York: The true cost of Biden’s agenda

President Joe Biden and Capitol Hill Democrats are racing to pass their massive social spending bill, known as ...


My Turn, Whitney Peckman: More to read between the lines

By Whitney Peckman For a few weeks now, I have been ruminating on Renee Scheidt’s “My Turn” about ...


My Turn, Evelyn Uddin-khan: Abortion isn’t the problem

By Evelyn Uddin-khan I am pro-life, but there are exceptions to all rules. Let me also make clear ...


Kathryn Lopez: The tarnishing of the Golden State

The state of California has declared that it wants to be a “sanctuary” for abortion. The Golden State ...


DG Martin: Should UNC office be moved to Raleigh?

By D.G. Martin Should the UNC System headquarters be moved from Chapel Hill to Raleigh where it could ...


My Turn, Caitlin Mauldin: Imagine what else is possible by helping Main Street Marketplace

By Caitlin Mauldin One hour and 38 minutes — That’s how long it took for me to realize ...


John Hood: Imperial city loses on vaccine mandates

By John Hood RALEIGH — On September 15, I wrote a column responding to President Joe Biden’s announcement ...


Josh Bergeron: Build it so they will come

Talk to anyone who’s tried lately to buy or rent a place to live in Salisbury or Rowan ...


Leonard Pitts: It’s time to do something about books

By Leonard Pitts Once again, carnage goes to school. Once again, American students are used for target practice. ...


Cal Thomas: Putin knows Biden is weak

By Cal Thomas President Biden’s virtual meeting Tuesday with Russian President Vladimir Putin might be thought of as ...


Kenneth L. Hardin: Nonprofit doesn’t serve just one demographic

If I had a penny for how many times people have remarked, after actually spending time getting to ...


Steven V. Roberts: History’s harsh judgment

During a recent Supreme Court hearing, Justice Brett Kavanaugh advanced this case for reversing precedent and canceling a ...


Byron York: After court argument, seething frustration on the left

One theme of Democratic control of Washington has been frustration, especially among the party’s progressive wing and its ...


Alexander H. Jones: Housing policies are American liberalism’s big miss

By Alexander H. Jones Nestled in a humid forest at the midpoint between the Appalachian Mountains and the ...


Mitch Kokai: Taxpayers, fans of good government have new reason to give thanks

The turkey, stuffing and cranberries are gone. But that doesn’t mean the time has passed for giving thanks. ...


Kathryn Lopez: Light in the darkness

There was a prevailing feeling of optimism as I stood outside the Supreme Court with the sun warming ...

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