Guest columns

Matt DeBoer: Support for public schools is key to growth

By Matt DeBoer Special to the Salisbury Post I am a tremendous believer in the power of education ...

Guest columns

My Turn: Schools can’t do it all on their own

By Gordon Correll I always had a soft spot in my heart for special needs children in public ...

Guest columns

Chuck Hughes: Here are the facts on extended-day discussion

By Chuck Hughes As a member of the Board of Education, I hesitated to weigh in on the ...

Guest columns

My Turn by Chris Cohen: City shouldn’t fight development

David Post must be looking through rose-colored, tunnel-vision glasses as he rationalizes the Salisbury Planning Board’s opposition to ...

Guest columns

For veterans, having a home is not enough

By John Downing Special to the Los Angeles Times Proposed legislation recently introduced in the Senate arrived with ...


Dr. Ada Fisher: Another visit to Israel

Having an opportunity to visit Israel this year after my previous 1996 trip was insightful. So much had ...

Guest columns

My Turn by Joe Morris: Neighborhood preservation essential to community success

By Joe Morris I was very heartened to attend the press conference recently with Gov. Pat McCrory and ...

Guest columns

Kristy Woodson Harvey: Writing is a good way to make a life

It’s February. The month of love. So maybe that’s why, in the recent interviews I’ve done about my ...

Guest columns

Dr. Michael Bitzer: What will lawmakers do with McCrory, Obama agendas?

Now that we’re through the “chief executive’s wish list” phase of the legislative year, both for the nation ...

Guest columns

My Turn by Tony Misenheimer: Residents concerns ignored on Old Beatty Ford Road

All “experts” are from out-of-town. I often heard this phrase when in engineering at Cannon Mills. DOT is ...

Guest columns

Helping children, thanks to United Way

By Vicky Slusser Special to the Salisbury Post We at Communities in Schools are so thankful for the ...


David Post column: Crossing the aisle

Last year, I sat down beside Greg Edds in the Norvell Theater at the Christmas reading show by ...

Guest columns

My Turn by Karen C. Young: ‘Spot zoning’ vs. wise growth

The attempt to rezone John Leatherman’s  lot on Jake Alexander Boulevard to accommodate a drive-through restaurant seems reasonable ...

Guest columns

Inspirational teachers, then and now

By Dr. Ron Turbyfill For the Salisbury Post West Rowan lost a legendary teacher this week in Margaret ...

Guest columns

Shela Sapp: The Arc of Rowan puts United Way dollars to use

By Shela Sapp The Arc of Rowan The Arc of Rowan board of directors and staff would like ...

Guest columns

Scouting, service go together

By John Barden Special to the Post For well over a century, Scouting has and continues to be ...

Guest columns

Megan Braun column: Making a difference by volunteering

When people think about volunteering or community service, the first thing that comes to mind may be helping ...

Guest columns

My Turn by Reagan Brown: Assisted suicide is murder

Assisted suicide is murder justified under the name of the Death with Dignity Act. Though I may not agree ...

Guest columns

Dari Caldwell: County leadership has good eye for the future

By Dari Caldwell Special to the Salisbury Post As we move into 2015, there is a lot of ...

Guest columns

Dr. Lynn Moody: Here are factors that go into school weather decisions

By Dr. Lynn Moody Special to the Salisbury Post Ice and snow seem to come at 6:30 a.m. ...

Guest columns

Susan Kluttz: A special MLK Day in Salisbury

By Susan Kluttz For the Salisbury Post The tribute was long overdue. The observance of Dr. Martin Luther ...

Guest columns

Justice Robin Hudson: Preserve an independent judiciary

These are excerpts from remarks N.C. Supreme Court Justice Robin Hudson made at her swearing in ceremony last ...

Guest columns

Steve and Cokie Roberts: Rubio on wrong side of history

Sen. Marco Rubio has his views, and he’s sticking to them. He fiercely opposes all of President Obama’s ...

Guest columns

Patrick Gannon: Seeking peace in troubled times

RALEIGH – The holiday season should never be sad. But as I read and watched all of the ...

Guest columns

My Turn: Another view of Oath Keepers

Editor’s note: The writer is reponding to a previous My Turn column about the Oath Keepers. By Butch ...

Guest columns

GOP in the afterglow: Solutions for Republicans to win the future

The 2014 US election wave which saw significant GOP election gains caught most off guard, including the victorious ...

Guest columns

Community matters at Knox Middle School

Special to the Post Do community-school partnerships really matter?  On behalf of the entire faculty and staff of Knox, ...

Guest columns

My Turn by Dennis Hill: Salisbury is music to my ears

She was sitting at her potter’s wheel just inside the front door of the restored First National Bank ...

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