‘Tis the Season Spectacular will no longer include Spencer

Published 12:07 am Thursday, August 8, 2024

A seven-year tradition will come to an end this November, as the ‘Tis the Season Spectacular parade route will no longer include Spencer.

Last year, there was some question over whether the parade committee would seek a permit in Spencer, and this year, the decision has been made to separate the two communities.

Last year, there was concern that Spencer did not have enough volunteer commitment, among other issues. Spencer Mayor Jonathan Williams said he thought the town had addressed the concerns by gathering “a group of dedicated volunteers who were really excited about participating,” and who were on board for this year’s parade as well.

He said he was surprised when he received the notice that the committee would not seek a permit in Spencer this year, but he said it was important to recognize and appreciate the work the committee had done.

“When the former organizers stepped down, these folks stepped up when no one else was interested, and they have done the hard work of not just keeping this going, but helping it grow, and we need to acknowledge that,” he said. “While I’m not sure why this happened, I also think in the end it may be a great thing for both of our communities.”

Salisbury created its “Spectacular at the Park” after the parade, and Spencer has both Winterfest and the Polar Express events, so each community has its own traditions to build on, he said.

In an email notification from the committee to Williams, it was stated, “Our seven-year collaboration with the town of Spencer planning the “‘Tis the Season Spectacular” holiday parade has experienced many ups and downs, such as logistics, financial decisions and preservation of the holiday tradition. Over the years, the parade has become larger and with that growth, larger financial needs. Both towns have added holiday events since the start of the new parade. Salisbury created “Spectacular at the Park,” which follows the parade and the town of Spencer, Winterfest. Both events are good additions to holiday family traditions. We believe now is a good time for both communities to concentrate on their community holiday event. With that said, the “‘Tis the Season Spectacular” holiday parade will not be seeking a permit this year.”

“While the town of Spencer is disappointed to hear that the ‘Tis The Season Spectacular organization will not be seeking a parade permit in Spencer this year, we wholeheartedly understand this is their organization’s sole decision and fully respect it,” Williams wrote back. “We appreciate the partnership and holiday cheer that ‘Tis the Season has brought to our town since taking over the parade leadership several years ago. We are grateful for the immense time, energy and resources the committee and other volunteers have put into making the parade a success, and we wish the committee well in future events in the greater Rowan County community. We also appreciate the advance notice of their decision so that we can plan accordingly in Spencer for this holiday season. Best of luck to ‘Tis the Season Spectacular as we all look to build on new and growing holiday traditions within each of our communities.”

Williams said it would have been helpful to know earlier so the town could plan accordingly, but he just wants to be sure now that folks know the parade will not be in Spencer this year. He also took the opportunity to let people know that this year’s Winterfest will have some minor changes, since construction on the park in the lot in front of town hall will have started, but it will primarily be just a shortened event.

“We will run it just the one weekend instead of two,” he said, “and it will be in the remaining open area of the parking lot, so it will be a slightly smaller footprint.” But in 2025, he said it will be held in the new park and expects it to be better than ever. In addition, he said this is an opportunity for the town to be creative and to establish new holiday traditions that reflect Spencer.

Asked if Spencer would have its own parade, he said “I don’t know. It’s really up to our community. If people decide they want a parade and are interested in forming a committee, or if there is anything else they’d like to do, the city will support them in any way we can. The sky’s the limit, it just depends on what the people want.”