Giving to Christmas Happiness Fund because of the great need

Published 12:05 am Sunday, December 8, 2024

Giving to the community where he was born and raised is something that former Salisbury resident Phil Kirk continues to do even though he has moved away to Raleigh.

One of the ways he has given is in the form of a donation to the Christmas Happiness Fund, something Kirk said he has probably done for the last 50 years.

“I give it in memory or honor of different people each year,” he said, “and I give because there’s so much need.”

This year, Kirk gave in memory of his wife Margaret, who he said he lost to cancer almost 12 years ago, and also to friends who had died during the past year.

A Catawba College graduate, he went on to become a teacher and taught journalism, language arts and the school newspaper at Knox Middle School and Salisbury High School, and then he went into government work.

Not having had high-paying jobs in his careers, Kirk said he doesn’t have a lot of extra money, “but I’ve always wanted to give to people who really needed it,” plus he said that giving makes him feel good.

Another reason that he likes to give is that when his parents, wife, daughter and son-in-law all died, “people were so generous to charities in memory of my immediate family and I’m just trying to pay back some of that.”’

Kirk said people are nice to him all the time, but he realized it in particular when he lost a family member, and he said that loss doesn’t matter what the age, “whether they’re young or old, it hurts.” 

While he said his contributions may be small, they have been constant, and he has told people that his philosophy is that “if everybody would give a small contribution, it would be a lot of money.”

There are many people that give money to do good things, Kirk said, and the Christmas Happiness Fund brings a smile to a lot of “faces on Christmas morning that might not smile otherwise if it were not for Christmas Happiness.”

Donations can be dropped off at the Salisbury Post’s office at 131 W. Innes Street or by mail at Christmas Happiness Fund, ℅ Salisbury Post, P.O. Box 4639, Salisbury, NC 28145. Cash and check are accepted but the Salisbury Post cannot accepted credit or debit card donations. 

The current running total is $8,716. The following contributions were made since the last Post publication.

• In honor of Stephen Williams, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church’s organist and choir master, for his excellent leadership with the church choir and his true mastery of our church organ, by Pennie and Dick Martin — $150

In memory of my wife Margaret and all of my friends in Rowan County who have died in the last year, by Phil Kirk — $50

• In honor of David, William, Lincoln, Livi, Will, Reese, Whit, Brent, Ruby, John Graham and Edie, by Julia — $150

• In honor of our family, by Perry and Carolyn Hood — $100

• In memory of Marvin Herring, Jeanette and Bill Ward, James and Ruby Porter, by Arnold and Brenda Herring — $100

• In memory of Carl M. Benfield, Glenn R Hartzoge, Mary B. Snowberger and Louise B. Hartzoge, by Tim and Marsha — $100

• In memory of Hoytt and Ann Heilig, by Tony and Patty Heilig — $100

• In memory of Earl and Mary Sain, by Patty and Tony Heilig — $100

• In honor of our public school teachers and staff, by Eileen and Ed Hanson and Kelly — $25

• In honor and memory of my “Buck” and our families, by CWB — $200

• Jessie and Kay McCartney — $100

• In honor of our book club’s 50th anniversary, by Peripatetic Reviewers Book Club — $100

• In loving memory of Peggy and Clyde Hillard and Helen and Clarence C. Smith, by Patrick and Debbie Hillard — $200

• In memory of John and Betty Thompson, by their children — $100

• In memory of Dr. John Robert Crawford III, by Mike Thompson — $50.00

• Christian Reid Book Club — $150

• In loving memory of Jane Benton Kale, Mr. and Mrs. Don Benton and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gaskey, by Keith and Darlene Kale and Vickie Bean — $150