Letter: Where’s the civility?
Published 12:00 am Thursday, March 20, 2025
As recent transplants to Salisbury, my husband and I can’t get over how pleasant and friendly you all are! A fabulous bit of Americana that N.Y. lost long ago. But if I had to base my decision to move to Salisbury on what I’ve read here, we would have run in the other direction.
All the kindness we see here and then all the viciousness we’re reading. Where’s the civility? We are all citizens of the United States of America, with the freedom of our own thoughts and beliefs in what is the right direction for this country. President Trump won North Carolina in the last three presidential elections with his ideas to Make America Great Again. In 2024, he won the popular, the electoral and the majority vote with these ideas. Republican and Democrats had to put up with the blunders of the prior administration e.g., inflation, immigration, Afghanistan, Russia/Ukraine, men in women’s sports, the corrupt media, so many hoaxes, the FEMA response, fraud in government spending, and the weaponization of our justice department to name a few. The damage done by Obama, Biden and Pelosi (because you know Biden wasn’t coherent enough to do this on his own) to this country will take years to repair.
We all need to give our President Trump a chance. Since 2015, there has been a constant and continued resistance by the Democratic party in every way, shape or form but justice prevails, and President Trump still stands.
In my opinion, we all need to be kinder to each other, we are all in this together and by Making America Great Again we will all win, even if you’ll never admit it.
— Lorraine Connor