Doug Creamer: Walking with Him

Published 12:00 am Saturday, March 22, 2025

By Doug Creamer

I stepped out the door for my walk today and was surprised by the nip in the air. I turned around and grabbed a warmer jacket. The cool spring breeze reminded me that winter hasn’t quite lost its grip. Winter can try to hold on, but spring is proudly displaying her colors. Trees and shrubs are blooming, not mention lots of bulbs, pansies and violas. I try to catch each sign of spring in my neighborhood as I walk.

About halfway through my walk, something drew my eye up. The sight of the incredibly blue sky took my breath away. We don’t get that crystal clear blue sky here that often because of humidity or the clouds. When we get lucky enough to get one of those days in the spring, fall, or after a winter storm has passed I could stand and just get lost in the beauty.

I had a few days off work and had a list that would take a month to complete. The first day felt overwhelming as I tried to figure out how to get the whole list done. I rushed around the whole day feeling exhausted when I went to bed. The second day, I decided I was not going to let my list overwhelm me. I was going to get done what I could and allow myself to be satisfied.

I made a few more decisions. I was going to get some much-needed rest. I had allowed myself to get a little run down and I needed to catch up on sleep. I also wanted to escape into a good book, which I did. I wanted to have lunch with a good friend. Finally, I wanted to do some work in my garden. I know it is early to start, but I was able to get some potatoes and peas planted. They can take any cold that Old Man Winter tries to send our way.

One of the things I had to work on while I was off was an upcoming sermon for church. My pastor asked if I would like to teach one Sunday and I agreed. I team teach our adult Sunday school class and it’s my turn to teach Sunday school. I had extra time in the mornings when I could study and prepare for the sermon and the lessons. Some of the things were coming together nicely, while I was struggling with other parts. When I sought the Lord as to why things were not all falling into place, He told me I would have what I need when I needed it.

I wanted everything to come to me while I had the time off. He wanted me to walk with Him and trust Him to meet my needs. He wanted me to spend time with Him and allow Him to reveal to me what I needed in the moment. It is hard to wait on God, especially when it takes time to create lessons and the sermon. When I expressed my concern about needing time to prepare, He reminded me of times when columns flowed through me like a river. He assured me that He is more than able to help me with the sermon and lessons if I will trust and seek Him.

Walking with God is not easy. His timetables rarely line up with ours. Whoever said that the Christian walk is easy and carefree really missed it. Following Jesus requires us to sacrifice our will for God’s will. His ways are not our ways, nor is His will our will. His ways often lead us down paths which are challenging. Jesus wants us to live up to God’s plans for our lives. That involves walking by faith, trusting Him for everything and making difficult choices.

Sometimes, it comes down to our focus. We live in the here and now. God is looking at the big picture. He wants us to develop character and perseverance. He wants to see us grow and mature in our Christian faith. God, who is not limited by time, is focused on preparing us for things that lie ahead. He knows the challenges and difficulties and what we will need to make it through. He is focused on giving us the strength so we can find the victory.

I want to encourage you to walk with Him through whatever you are facing in life. You can and will overcome the challenge that feels impossible. You have to trust Him and know that He is walking with you. He is closely watching you and helping to guide you as you take steps of faith. He is a good Father, provider and protector. He has your best interest at heart even as you walk through challenging and difficult times. He loves you. You can trust Him!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041 or

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