Letter: Agree and disagree
Published 12:00 am Sunday, March 23, 2025
Dear author of “Where’s the civility?”,
I agree that we need to be civil with each other. But you do recognize that many of us do not agree with your position on prior administrations or the current one. I hope that we can discuss our differences with vigor and honor without disparaging anyone. As a veteran of the Air Force, I served our country for 23 years to preserve the Constitution, democracy and freedom of expression. I was not required to be loyal to any president, but I did carry out lawful orders from my superiors. Different politicians have different priorities that are not supported by everyone. President Trump was duly elected last November, but not by the majority of voters. So, I hope that you will listen to us on the other side to understand the issues we support and why we believe as we do.
— Richard Paschall
Colonel USAF, retired